Chapter 1 - Introduction

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A/N: HEY GUYS!! Okay, I don't actually know if someone is reading this/if anyone ever WILL read this. HOWEVER. I've been super duper obsessed with JainaDurron7's fanfiction lately...and I've been debating for a while on whether I should write a fanfic. But, she's been SO SO inspiring lately with her amazing writing, so I said to myself, "JUST DO IT." And ya know what? Here I am! This story's been in development for quite some time now, so yeah. It's always kinda been an idea in my head. Now it's officially published on a website...uhhh..
ANYWAY, if someone happens to read this, leave a comment letting me know if you liked this chapter, and/or if I should keep writing the story! Without further ado, I preset to you: MY LIFE AS LEIA!!!

- 4/24/20
this story is currently undergoing construction as i fix it and make it tolerable! you're welcome!


A long time ago
In a galaxy far, far away . . .

Alderaan. One of the core worlds, a swirling blue oasis of growth and tranquility. With its envious landscapes and peaceful lifestyle, Alderaan makes for an ideal vacation planet, for those who can afford to travel. Being close to Coruscant certainly boosts the tourist industry, but you're even luckier if given the chance to live on Alderaan.

It's a monumental privilege. A true gift. Though technically affiliated with the Empire, Alderaan is a neutral world, choosing to stay out of most universal affairs—war, specifically. The planet possesses no planetary defense system, either, which has never shown any signs of causing problems. Alderaan's population thrives as a whole. Under the general jurisdiction of the Queen and Viceroy, everyone lives peacefully and without much complaint.

Except, perhaps, for Leia Organa.

A young girl of only thirteen (going on fourteen, mind you), Leia just so happens to be the princess and Heir to the Throne of Alderaan. Overall, things are great. But beneath the surface, Leia hides a deep secret.

One may think that being royalty would be fun—majorly better than an average life! While that may be true in some instances, Leia's is not one of them. Though she's certainly well off, Princess Leia has never quite felt . . . happy with the life she lives.

Some aspects are appreciated, obviously. She has a gorgeously ancient home, a stunning view out her window, a loving family, and a stunning planet to live on—and someday rule. But Leia's desires are not that of physical means. Instead, they exist in a realm outside of general materialism. She's spent years trying to figure out what exactly is missing from this life of blissful "luxury".

Leia longs for things that can't be touched—they can only be felt and experienced. As an immediate example, one of the things she desires is freedom. A vague topic, to be sure, especially because Leia is not in any visible prison or debt, which is more than most of the galaxy can say. Asking for freedom seems selfish. But Leia is a special case.

Because she's the princess of an entire population, Leia doesn't have much time to do the things she wants. Not that those things are more important than her role as heir, but it'd be nice to have a bit of downtime every once and a while. Maybe a few hours of peace and quiet. Even just ten minutes without a schedule would suffice. The fast-paced lifestyle has never been enjoyable, even when Leia was a little girl.

Oftentimes, the princess feels somewhat out of place in her family. There's definitely a reason for this, but Leia isn't sure if it's appropriate to express an opinion on it. For the reason is this: Leia is adopted. Mere hours after she'd been born, Leia was given to her current family, the Organas. She knows very little of her birth parents, except for the random scraps of information she'd been told over the years in bursts of curiosity. Her adoptive parents don't exactly make a lot of time for answering questions.

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