Chapter Six

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Pulling up to school on Monday, I was less than happy to be here. Much less. Over the weekend, I stayed in my room putting off homework so much that I forgot to do it. Surprisingly, My dad nor Victoria really bothered me. The only form of communication I got from them was disgusted noises and disappointed looks. I've gotten so used to them that they don't even bother me anymore.

We were sitting in Evelyn's car, procrastinating going in. By we I mean Josh, Ev, and I. Finally, we all managed to drag ourselves out of the car and into the building. I looked over at Josh.

"Hey, you have first class with me. Want to walk together?" I asked, nicely.

He continued to look down the hall, and shrugged. "Nah. I'm going to walk around a bit before." He said, before taking off down the hall.

I stood there stunned while Evelyn looked confused. What the hell was his problem? I thought we had made progress, but I guess not.

"Well then. What crawled up his ass and died?"
Evelyn said, next to me.

His soul.

I hated my mind sometimes. I really did. It thinks of the weirdest things. The first bell rang, signaling we needed to book it to class.
I walked to math without Josh, still wondering why he so cold towards me in public.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts, I wasn't looking where I was going. I hit something hard and jumped back a little from the impact.

"Woah, you ok there?"

Who was that? I looked up to see a guy I didn't recognize. I must say though, he wasn't bad looking at all. I shook myself once again from my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I replied with a slight smile.

"Don't worry about it. Hey, what's your class? I'll walk you."

This guy was so sweet, and he was cute? There has to be something.

"Um, I have Math with Mr. Campbell," I replied.

His eyes brightened, as if realizing something. "No way! So do I. Well looks like we'll be walking to the same place. I'm Isaac, by the way.

I smiled at him. "I'm Vienna."

I walked with him to math making small talk. When we arrived to Mr. Campbell's room, the bell rang. We were literally, saved by the bell.

I took my usual seat in the far left corner, by the window, Isaac taking the seat next to me. I scanned the room for no particular reason when my eyes landed on an odd sight. It was Josh sitting In the far right corner. Alone.

That's strange. I thought he would've been the type to have girls flanking his sides and a lot of friends. You know what they say, don't judge a book by it's cover.

Mr. Campbell walked into the room shortly after, and I turned my head back to the front to pretend to listen.


After math, Isaac and I sadly had to split ways. We didn't have 2nd or 3rd together which sucks because he was a really good guy.

I was heading to lunch to meet up with Evelyn and maybe Josh. I don't even know if he would sit with us. In public, he acted like we had a disease. He was strange one that's for sure.

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