Chapter Two

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I was dreading going to school today. No, I wasn't bullied or shit like that. I just really really hated school with a burning passion. I found it completely useless. Yes, there were subjects we needed, but then there's the bullshit things teachers tell us we'll use everyday when we all know we will never use it again.

Driving up to school, I looked out towards the front and grimaced. All I wanted to do was go in, ignore everyone, and try to get through this day. I'm such a nice person aren't I. Yup, totally.

"There's a spot right there, hurry." I said to Evelyn, pointing at an empty parking spot.

"Oh, sweet!" She said.

Evelyn parked her car, and we both got out very slowly, dreading going in. We both looked at each other knowing we didn't under any circumstances go in there. We looked back up at the school and slowly made our way inside.

Our school wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great. The school was at least 20 years old, and it showed in parts of the school they haven't renovated. I already knew where all my classes where, so I didn't really have to worry about looking at a schedule.

"Vi, we have a problem."

I looked over to Evelyn, raising a brow.

"What do you mean?"

She pointed down the hall, spotting someone I didn't want to ever see again. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just gonna ignore her." I said, looking back at Evelyn.

I didn't like drama, never did. I tried to stay away from it as much as possible. I had enough drama in my home life. I didn't need it at school too.

The bell rang, signaling we had 5 minutes to get to class. I sighed, already wanting to leave.

"Well Vi, looks like this is where we depart."

I had math first while Evelyn had history.

I gave Evelyn a small smile. "I'll see you at lunch?"

She smiled brightly. "Of course, darling."

We both parted ways and headed to our first class.


By the time lunch rolled around, I felt like just skipping the rest of the day. I couldn't do that though. I didn't have anywhere to go. I sure as hell wasn't going home.

I came back to the real world, when I heard a slam right in front me. I looked up to a very distressed Evelyn.

"I am so pissed right now." Evelyn said in a very angry tone.

I raised my brow. "May I ask why?"

Evelyn sat down before continuing. "My cousin is coming to town, and he's staying at my house!"

Was I missing the point here? What was so bad about her cousin coming to town?

"Why is that bad again?" I said confused.

"Why is that bad? Why is that bad?!" She took a breath. "I'll tell ya. My cousin is one of the weirdest people you'll meet. He's a complete loner! I mean, he could be doing drugs for all I know, and we wouldn't know. I don't want that in my house."

Ok, she's completely overreacting. I didn't know her cousin at all, but I'm sure he wasn't that bad.

"Ev, you don't know that. Just relax. Why is he staying with you anyways?"

She took another deep breath, visibly relaxing. "All my parents told me was that he had family issues, so no I don't really know.

That makes two of us, buddy.

"Hm, Cryptic," I said.

"Talk about it."

Lunch was pretty uneventful after that. After lunch, we headed to our other classes.

I headed into history and took my usual back corner seat. I was an average student. I did my work, averagely, and I tried not to get picked on.

I heard a cackling laugh coming into the classroom, and I looked up to find its source.
In walked in Melanie herself. Let me tell you about Melanie. Melanie and I didn't get along anymore. We used to be best friends back in middle school through 10th grade. There was a group of us. I was closest to Melanie though. I told her everything from crushes to my family issues. I didn't realize that the whole friendship was one sided until towards the end. I told her everything while she told me nothing. I did what she wanted, and she would get mad at me when I asked for a favor. In 10th grade, I called her out on it, and she completely lost it, calling me every name in the book. She told me I was to blame for my family issues because I wasn't good enough. After that, I didn't talk to her ever again. She told our group of friends complete lies about me, telling them they should never talk to me again. They didn't. They cut ties completely. I was crushed, and I was alone.

After that whole fiasco, I met Evelyn and we became close. She heard from one of the girls about what happened and talked me. She's a good friend, unlike Melanie. I know I can count on her for anything.

After coming out of my thoughts, I looked back at my desk right as the teacher strolled in. I didn't glance at her for the rest of class.


After school, I made my way out to the parking lot to meet Evelyn. I spotted her walking towards me, completely dead looking.

Getting into the car, I broke the silence. "So when is your cousin supposed to be here?"

She shrugged. "I think tomorrow."

"Ah, ok."

She changed the subject obviously not wanting to talk about her cousin. "So, how was school? Anyone you know in your classes?"

I knew what she was getting at. "Nah, not really, only have history with Melanie."

She quickly glanced at me. "Yikes, how's the she devil?"

I smiled at her comment. "I don't know, I mean she looks happy."

She made a disgusted sound. I reached for the radio to put some music on. Heathens by Twenty One Pilots came on, and I instantly smiled. I love Twenty One Pilots with a passion.

"I swear, you're obsessed with them."

I sang along louder to annoy her. "Yup, not even gonna deny it."

She shook her head at me.


We made our way to our neighborhood, and Evelyn dropped me off at my house.

"If you want to come over, don't even bother texting me. I'm not doing anything tonight."

I got out of her car, and looked back. "Will do."

I shut the door and watched as she backed out of the driveway, and drove down the street. I slowly looked back at the my so called house, dreading going in there.

Gotta do it sometime.

I walked up my driveway to my front door and made my way inside.


Yo yo yo. It's the author here. Lemme know what you thought of today's chapter. :)

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