Chapter 6

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Liberty POV

I can get harry face out of my head. I remember how he used to look at me with so much love but now it's full of hatred. He hates me! But I couldn't take it anymore I had to tell him, it was like the guilt was eating me inside. What would happen now? Would he want to see the kids more often. Would he take them away from me? He wouldn't right? I can't live with out my babies they're all I have left.

But since last night I called my other friend Erika to take Percy and Rosie to her house just for a few hours. So right now I'm sitting in the arm chair with my knees up my chest. Harry is right across from me. He looks down with his elbows on his lap and hands rubbing up and down his face look frustrated

"Why" was the first thing that came out his mouth

"Why what?" I stupidly ask he stand up and slam his hand on the coffee table

"Don't act stupid with me Liberty! Why the fuck didn't you tell me that I had two fucken kids with you!!!"

He yelled.

I stand up stepping closer to him

"Okay one don't cuss at me okay I'm not your bitch. And two I didn't tell you because I was afraid, and plus you cheated on me with Taylor swift!!!" I yelled back

"Don't bring Taylor into this she has nothing to do with this. So stop giving all this bull shit !!!" he yelled stepping closer

"Yes. It. Does. That day I broke up with you I told you that what would happen if I was pregnant. You told me that I would had to get an abortion and there was no way in hell that I was going to do that to some innocent child harry. And stop cussing at me, you dick" I would never cuss at anyone. If my mother were her she would be so disappointed

" I can cuss at you all I fucken want okay!! Damn it Liberty how the hell would you feel if you just found out you had a child with the love of your life." He looking at me in the eyes

Did he say 'The Love of his Life'?

"Did you say love of your life? You still love me?" I whispered

He came closer, lifting my head with his both hands making him look at him in the eye

"I never stop loving you" he whispered and then he kissed me and it was every thing that I remembered. It had so much love and passion. But then I realize that I never stop loving him either

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