Chapter IV

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She was very beautiful, her hair tied up in the fancy was she does it, make up fancied upon her face, and her dress drifting in the breeze that was on Naboo. Her smile was even better, how her pure white teeth spread out along with her glossed lips that were so tempting. Yeah sure, the view of the gorgeous planet was great too, but to Anakin, Padmé was more beautiful and vivid. She giggled as seeing him stare at her with pure adoration, he was whipped. Anakin was in love with her, everything about was just so alluring to him.

Padmé was a fair person, she treated everyone as they should be treated because no one shall be judged for who they are and she did not do that. She was love. She never hated on a person or at any point attempted to sabotage someone or something, she was innocent. With all that, she was also very kind and generous. Padmé was the person that if she saw someone's speeder break down, she'd go and help.

Anakin was in love with Padmé Amidala. He knows he shouldn't because that was a rule and everyone knew it and that was a hard part. He doesn't even understand why, Jedi should love and be loved. The Jedi don't even have a choice, it's technically their parents. They are taken at birth and not know what would be going on. But Anakin had that choice, but if the prophecy is right, he could bring balance to the force and destroy the Sith.

Anakin was caught too much in the moment with Padmé that he didn't even realize what she was saying. He recalled he saying something about taking a class trip here with the beach and sand. No, he hates sand. "I don't like sand. It's coarse, rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere," Anakin stated to her as he fiddles with his thumbs as he looks down to the ceramic blue water.

He stares at her as she stares back, each stealing those glances before each one starts to talk again like they have been doing. But this time, this time is different as their eyes wander over to each other lips. Anakin took this perfect moment to do what he has been waiting for has been to seem a lifetime, he wants this to be perfect- for both himself and Padmé. He leans in closer to Padmés stunning face as she tilts her head slightly to the left and he does the right. Their lips had attached to one another and they kept the moment going for a few seconds. Her lips tasted candy-like as he did see her consume a few before they had taken their walk. They moved their lips in sync, together, like it was one of those amazing first kisses in movies. Unfortunately, it was like the movies; Padmé pulls back from the kiss, looking as if it were a mistake.

Anakin jumped as thought of that vision entered his mind while he was tending Luke and Leia before he lets them rest. He had just finished singing a lullaby to them, calming themselves as their eyelids fall close and faint breaths were heard. Anakin doesn't sing, as he thinks he has a terrible voice, but he likes singing. Right now, it is nice to have the babies asleep as he could never really put them to bed before he tried out the lullabies.

He ran out of the nursery, into the bathroom to let his wails out. Tears rolled fast down his cheeks as he just had the memory of Padmé in his head. He honestly hates thinking about her, dreaming about her, having visions, and saying her name. Anakin truly does love her and everything that comes with loving her, but he's sick and tired of her at the same time, he can't deal with her anymore. Well, thinking about her. "Why?" a choked sob escaped his mouth as he kneeled on the bathroom floor, forcing his hands upon his eyes to retreat the stream of tears running down his face. His breathing was hitched when he tried to gasp for air, the crying prevents him from getting all the air that he can usually get in his body. He hated crying but he just couldn't help it, he missed her dearly, however he hated her.

He clenched his fists as hard as he could, the adrenaline burning inside of him. He was full of anger as he usually was when he gets sad. Glass springing everywhere, he looked up seeing that the mirror had broke. He did that. He was angry but also so damn confused, he was strong enough to do that? How? The shattered glass was all over the bathroom tiles and sink. The shock of that filled his head with thoughts that he could do so much more with his power.

Power. Power is a bold word and action. Someone with so much power can do so little to try to make a different and help. Everyone wishes they could have power either for their own selfish reasons or for need of someone else. With a democracy, you get to vote and chose to who gets to use that power, how they get to use that power. Other places not so much.

Sith love power, it's what keeps them alive. The more power they have, a better chance of them destroying everything in the galaxy. Not all Sith were bad, but they were powerful Jedi trying to keep the galaxy safe. They were turned to the dark side by the persuasive Sith. Sure, there's the story about Darth Plageuis and his apprentice. One Sith wanted to gain more by killing the other.

Anakin wasn't aware of how strong his power was until that night. He knew that he was capable of a lot of power, but to be able to do that with your emotion was incredible, but it was very dangerous. Anakin was very curious as to if it were only anger that have him that strength and ability to destroy things. It would be really bad if he had those abilities when he was sad because that's all the time.

He was sprawled out on the couch with his babies right next to him. He was still pondering about his newly found powers, thinking how strong he was. What a life he would have because of his power. He envisioned all the bad people he could lock away or kill with his newly founded powers. He could catch the secret Sith Lord that has been on the run and in hiding. I could be the hero.

Anakin had a mission with Obi-wan tomorrow to try and find hints to the whereabouts of the Sith Lord. He very much wanted to use his powers then, maybe his master will be impressed by this. He knows he has been in a slump since Padmé died, this was his way to show Obi-wan that he never lost touch of being a Jedi. Being who is really was.

He had always wanted to impress Obi-wan, ever since he had become his Padawan. He had that urged to try to do everything right for Obi's sake, but now that rarely happens. Anakin does feel really guilty about not doing his best and always screwing up, though it's not always easy for him.

But in all fairness, Obi-wan does know how difficult times are for the Jedi. With so much going on, not only in Anakin' s head, but the real world too, it's tough to manage. Anakin can really appreciate the way his master is handling him and along with his actions. He can show him empathy, something Anakin likes about Obi-wan. He smiled at that thought.

Sighing with all these different and complex thoughts in his head, he got up with his babies in his strong arms. He took a short walk to the balcony of his house where he and Padmé always stole glances at each other. Looking at the city above and below, his eyes wondered all over the place. He saw life, in different shapes and sizes, forms and colors.

Anakin was surprised at how much he notices a lot, speaking his mind isn't at the best of place. But what really caught his eyes were the flowers on his balcony. He knew how much Padmé loved flowers and took care for the lovely plants everyday. He knew he let each and everyone die after her death. Recalling the dead, lifeless petals in his thoughts. He couldn't figure what could've brought the dead flowers, that didn't matter at all, back to life and full color. But he was going to figure it out because in his mind these flowers did matter.

How was that? I'm kinda running short on ideas, so if anyone has ideas to bring this story along please feel free to message me!

Please give me your feedback, I really want to know if you guys liked it or not.

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