Chapter 1

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You may know me as the girl from Fifth Harmony, but after the incident, I left the group. I couldn't let the girls find out. They wouldn't look at me the same. I didn't know I was a vampire until the morning after the incident when I woke up and went on a walk and ended up chasing a squirrel and eating it. I felt like a monster.

I got very good at controlling my hunger to where I didn't feel like ripping someone's head off every minute of the day, I fed on animal blood, and nobody ever knew I was a vampire.

Until one day when my friend, Aria, wanted to meet up and go on a walk. I agreed, thinking I had everything under control. I didn't. I could hear a bunny's heart beating a few yards behind us, and suddenly became very hungry.

I told Aria I would be right back, that my favorite bracelet fell off while we were walking, and ran off.

When I stood up, wiping the blood off of my face, I turned around to see a frightened Aria. And that's when I realized. I am a monster. I compelled Aria to forget everything she saw and to go home.

I felt like dying.

That night, I researched "how to kill a vampire", and found out that by driving a wooden stake through my heart, I would die. I set my phone down, went onto my porch, broke a chair leg off of one of the porch couches, and pointed it straight at my heart.

"3...2...-" before I got to one, a vampire came speeding towards me and taking the stake out of my hand.

"You're not dying tonight," he said, looking down at me. I have no idea who he was, until I looked into his eyes. They were the same eyes that were hovering over me in my hotel room after a show. The exact eyes belonged to the guy who I had a one night stand with.

The guy who turned me.

"This is all your fault! You made me like this! You turned me into a monster! You ruined my life!" I yelled, hitting him.

"I did this so we could be together forever!" He yelled back.

"Can't you see?! You were just a little fun to keep me entertained! I never really liked you!" I started crying.

He looked me into the eyes and said softly, "Turn it off. Turn off all of those emotions. Just turn them off."

I suddenly stopped crying, and felt a whole bunch of weight lifted off of me.

And just like that, I never saw him again.


Short Chapter I know but hello everyone :)

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