" Welcome To The Show Biz"

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(Samantha's POV)

Hello? I said.

Hello? Is this Samantha Flores said a women.

This is she I said

"Hello Ms.Flores this is Stephanie from Colombia Records my boss saw your video on youtube and he loved it so much. He wants to sign you for a record deal. "

I stood there. Shocked. Then i spoke up. "Ohh well I am interested but i will talk to my parents, If that's ok? I said. "

Ok , said Stephanie

You can give us a call back but we need a answer as soon as possible. Then, she hung up.

Wow , said Jessica (who looked more shocked than i did)

You have to do this Sammy!! Said Jessica.

I know....... but i have to talk to my parents first. I said

Then, the bell rang.

Let's go, said Jessica.

We got through are History class then we went to Lunch. And I saw Jessica sitting down as I got my lunch. As I was walking to Jessica everyone was looking at me. At first I thought they were looking at my outfit. But they talking about my performance in band. Everyone loved it, everyone except Vanessa. As I sat down next to Jessica, Vanessa was walking our way. Uh oh.....

So Samantha I heard about your little performance in band today, said Vanessa

So? I said.

Well don't get to comfortable in the spot light, everybody knows how good I sing and what a great dancer I am, (as she tossed her hair back and forth)

I don't care, and you really need to watch what you say., I said.

What are you going to do? Your nothing but a geek like your sister. she said.

All I remember was me getting up and pushing her to the floor. Then I saw blood.......

Well..... looks like someone is about to get knocked out. Don't you think?? To be continued....
Love, Brianna😘

"Greetings From Califournia" |  A Zach Abels FanficWhere stories live. Discover now