Chapter 1

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Chanyeol woke up in the morning to the smell of pancakes and bacon. American breakfast?

"Good morning!" Chanyeol's mom yelled excitedly when he walked into the kitchen.

"What is this? Why did you cook breakfast?"

"We have some good news!" Chanyeol's dad said walking in happily.

Chanyeol cautiously sat down at the table. He didn't know what was going on and he didn't like it.

"What is it?" Chanyeol asked taking a bite of the bacon.

"Eat some more, then we'll tell you." His mom said sitting down across from him. As Chanyeol ate his parents just watched him smiling.

After Chanyeol finished eating he looked at his parents waiting for an explanation.

"Well. Your 20 soon, you have a decent paying job." Chanyeol rolled his eyes. Making $10 an hour when you only work 20 hours a week isn't much. ($200 a week) "So we decided!"

"Your gonna move out and live on your own!" Chanyeol's dad finished.

"I wanted to say that part!" His mom said hitting his dad playfully on the arm.

"I'm what?! I won't be able to find a place! Also why is this so enjoyable to you?!" Chanyeol snapped.

"More room, and we were thinking you could move in with a friend until you find a place for yourself!" Chanyeol's mom said smiling from ear to ear.

"We are going to give you an hour to pack, and another hour to find a place. So you have until 11am!" His dad said excitedly.

Chanyeol knew his parents weren't joking so he forced himself to his room to pack. He didn't have many people he could ask to stay with, but he started asking before packing.

"Hey Jongin! Yeah so I have to leave and I was wondering if I could stay with you for a while?" The answer was no, as well as for the other eight people he called.

Although no one had room for him to live with them, one of his friends gave him a good idea an told him to look online. Chanyeol found a website specifically foe looking for a roommate. He came across a cute guy with brunette hair who was smiling for his profile picture. Chanyeol smiled slightly at the boy. He noticed he lived around the same area so maybe he had a chance.

As Chanyeol called the number he remembered why he was calling and it suddenly made him upset.

"Hello?" Chanyeol said.

"Hi! My name is Byun Baekhyun, and you are?" The guy asked.

"Park Chanyeol." Chanyeol said blankly.

"So did you call about the room?"

"Um yeah. How much per month?"

"$300 a month. Is that affordable?"

"Yeah, it should be. I was also wondering if I could move in today?"

"Oh, um yeah sure! What time were you thinking?"

"Between 11:30 and noon? Is that okay? Sorry I just got kicked out and need somewhere to stay."

"Yeah, that's fine I guess. How old are you?"

"I'm going to turn 20 soon, and you?"

"I'm 22, but anyways I'll see you here soon and we can talk then!'

"Yeah! See you soon!" After Chanyeol hung up he saved him in his contacts and began packing, he looked at the time and saw it was already almost 10:15. He ended up spending half the time trying to find this roommate.

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