Chapter 2

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As Chanyeol walked to his job, that conveniently was closer, he thought of all the people that morning that said he couldn't stay with him and how most of them worked with him.

Chanyeol laughed a bit before mumbling "this'll be fun," and reaching his job.

Chanyeol was a waiter at Tavolo 24, a very popular and famous restaurant in Seoul.

He walked in and went straight to the kitchen. He changed out of his grey sweatshirt and put on a white long sleeved shirt, his apron and name tag. He took a notepad and shoved it in one of his pockets and went to a table.

"Hello, has your order been taken yet?" He asked going to one of his normal tables he waited on.

"Not yet." The man at the table smiled.

"Well then, my name is Chanyeol and I'll be serving you today. Are you ready to order?" Chanyeol asked faking a smile back.

"Not yet, can you come back in about five minutes?" The lady, who Chanyeol assumed was his wife asked. Chanyeol looked at the four people at the table before walking away. There were the man and woman he talked to and two boys he assumed were their children. One of the children looked about 13 while the other looked around 17 or 18.

"Hey, Channie did you find a place to stay?" His best friend Jongin asked catching up to him in the kitchen.


"I hope your not mad at me. I'm sorry I couldn't take you in. You know I would."

"I know bro, you're fine. My place is nice you can come over sometime." Chanyeol smiled.

"Great!" Jongin smiled as he went to do his job.

Chanyeol sighed and continued to work. It's not that he was mad at Jongin, because he had his reasons. It just he would have liked to stay with him.

When Chanyeol came back to the table he brought them their drinks they ordered earlier and noticed the younger boy was staring at him.

"So, do you know what you want?" Chanyeol asked taking out his notepad. After they all ordered, Chanyeol did a quick bow before walking away.

Chanyeol went to another table and when he looked up he saw that the boy from the other table was still looking at him. Chanyeol gave him a quick smile and the boy immediately looked away. Chanyeol chuckled a little and went back to the kitchen.

"Hey, Chan did you end up finding a place?" Youngtae, one of his co workers, asked.

"Oh, yeah I did." Chanyeol said taking the food. Youngtae nodded.

"He asked you too?" Junsu asked.
"Yeah, he must have been desperate." Youngtae said.

"He asked me too, I wonder if something is wrong." Myungsoo another co worker said.

Chanyeol heard all of this but kept walking pretend that he couldn't hear them because he didn't really care.

"Hello." Chanyeol smiled before setting the food on the table. Chanyeol gave a quick glance at the younger boy that was staring at him earlier, who was again staring at him.

"I hope you all enjoy the meal and I'll be back soon to see how everything is." Chanyeol said before bowing quick and walking away to serve other tables.

"How's everything?" Chanyeol asked after going back to the table.

"Very good!" The man said. Everyone else nodded, whilst stuffing their faces.

"Everything is good?" Chanyeol heard. He turned and saw his boss standing next to him. Chanyeol bowed and greeted him.

"Yes, everything is amazing." The wife smiled.

Chanyeol moved the hair out of his face, which caused the younger boy to smile a bit, Chanyeol, who was already looking at him as well, noticed.

"Well, I will tell our chef! And not to mention you have the best waiter serving you." His boss smiled.

"I bet, he's really kind and hospitable!" The father said laughing.

'Is he being sarcastic or does he laugh at things normally like this?' Chanyeol thought. Then he turned to his boss who was laughing as well and the wife. So Chanyeol just started laughing, without knowing why.

When he finally stopped he realized this was all very awkward. So he bowed and walked away. His boss followed.

"Are they important costumers?" Chanyeol asked.

"They are one of the founders." His boss told him.

"Ahh!" Chanyeol said nodding his head. As Chanyeol served he couldn't help but noticed that boy kept looking at him. They smiled at one another every once in a while, but otherwise it was like an unplanned staring contest.

Finally they left and Chanyeol got off work about half hour after that.

As Chanyeol walked out he saw the younger boy standing in front of a car. As soon as the boy saw him he practically ran over.

"Hello!" Chanyeol said as the boy stopped in front of him.

"Are you walking? Do you need a ride?" The boy asked.

On a normal day Chanyeol would have said no to the weird boy who stared at him and he didn't know the name of, but today Chanyeol was tired and needed to get home soon to bond with his new roommate. Who he had forgotten all about until now.

"Yeah sure." Chanyeol shrugged. He boy smiled and showed Chanyeol to his car.

"Are you even old enough to drive?" Chanyeol asked him.

"Yes! I'm 19!' He said.

"Ok, sorry to offend you."

"Oh you didn't. Haha. So what's your name?"

"You didn't know from earlier? I'm pretty sure I said it." Chanyeol thought out loud.

"I know but I thought we could get to know each other at the same pace."

"Oh, sorry. My names Chanyeol and you?"

"Kyungsoo, Do Kyungsoo." He smiled.

"Oh are we doing that? I'm Park Chanyeol." Chanyeol said quickly.

"So where am I taking you?" Kyungsoo asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.

Chanyeol gave him directions while they made small talk, and as soon as they pulled up to the apartment, Kyungsoo frowned.

"What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked.

"This is where I leave and don't get to see you again."

"We can meet again! Your pretty cool." Chanyeol smiled.

"What's your number?" Kyungsoo smiled taking out his phone. Chanyeol texted himself and smiled back.

"Maybe I could come hang out at your place some day, or you can come to mine!"

"Maybe, but I just moved in I don't know if my roommate will be all that happy about it." Chanyeol said trying to get out of the conversation.

"You have a roommate? In this small place?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Yeah, I moved in recently and he already lived there so I don't know much of his rules. I'll see you later though, I told him we could hangout after I got off work. Talk to you later!" Chanyeol smiled before getting out of the car.

Kyungsoo was upset that Chanyeol had a male roommate but he's anger slowly went away after Chanyeol smiled. They just met but Kyungsoo felt something with Chanyeol, while Chanyeol on the other hand just felt hungry.

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