Chapter 8

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Chanyeol tried to explain all that as best as he could to Kyungsoo.

"I'm really sorry." Kyungsoo said hugging Chanyeol. Chanyeol let out silent tears as the two sat there hugging.

"I feel like we should go back out there. I'll apologize to Baekhyun and you can leave after I finish."

"Why do you need to apologize? Just go out there and eat." Chanyeol nodded and walked out followed by Kyungsoo. They walked into the room that only had Leeann ms Minseok sitting there, still.

"Minseok, Leeann I'm sorry I lost my temper a bit." Chanyeol apologized.

"No, your completely okay, there's nothing you should be sorry for." Leeann said. "He was out of line."

"Did you tell her what happened?" Chanyeol asked.

"It happened one day."

"Where's Baekhyun?" Chanyeol asked.

"He went to the bathroom. Don't worry we didn't tell him anything." Minseok said. Leeann nodded and pointed to the bathroom while finishing off her food.

"Kyungsoo sit back down. I'll finish so you can go to your brother."

Kyungsoo sat down and watched Chanyeol eat. Half way through finishing Chanyeol's phone went off.

"I know this will be awkward, but get along, I have to take this really quick."

"Who is it?" Leeann asked.

"Why does it matter? It's not your business." Minseok said flicking her arm.

"I'm just curious."

"It's Jongin." Chanyeol said before answering.

"Tell him I say hi." Minseok said.

"Who's Jongin?" Kyungsoo asked.

"His best friend." Minseok replied.

"So you can answer his question and not mine?" Leeann argued.

"He answered for himself!" Minseok argued back.

In the other room, Chanyeol was listening to Jongin rant about how his family is trying to set him up on a blind date.

"So what I'm trying to say is, will you come eat at my place and pretend to be my boyfriend tomorrow night?" Jongin ended.

"Sure, do I need to bring anything?" Chanyeol replied.

"Your handsome fake boyfriend self."

"Are you sure it will work? I've met your family many times and what about when you find a real boyfriend? Do we tell the truth or tell them we broke up?"

"Does it look like I know? I just need to get through this dinner with my fake boyfriend and my blind date!"

"Wait. She's gonna be there too?"

"Yes. Thank you for agreeing! I love you, your the best friend ever."

"Yeah sure, I love you too. Also Minseok says hi." Chanyeol said walking back info the kitchen.

"Is he there?"


"Tell him he needs to visit me soon. Okay I have to go, love you, love Minseok, see you tomorrow my fake boyfriend."

"Okay, love you too, and extra emphasis on the fake part." Chanyeol said before hanging up.

"Minseok, Jongin says you have to visit him soon and that he loves you."

"Why is he so happy?" Minseok asked.

"I told him I'd be his boyfriend." Chanyeol saw Kyungsoo turn away from him and look at the table and Baekhyun walk in.

"So I can't hook you up with either of these two?' Leeann asked.

"Well his fake one, he just needed to use me so he didn't have to go on a blind date with some girl."

"So I can hook you up with one of them!"

"I'd rather you not hook me up with anyone. If I like someone, I'll ask your approval, but you are not going to be finding me anyone."

"I've gotta go." Kyungsoo said.

"Already?" Chanyeol whined. Kyungsoo smiled. "I'll walk you out."

"It was fun! Your roommate didn't talk much though."

"That's okay, I was hoping he wouldn't say one word."

"I'll call you tomorrow."

"No. Call me when you get home,and call me in two days. You have to study Mr student."

"Why can't I call you tomorrow and study?"

"Because I said so."

Chanyeol took Kyungsoo's hands and smiled. Then he pulled Kyungsoo in for a hug.

"Study well, and don't forget to call me in two days." Kyungsoo just nodded his head.

Chanyeol smiled. He liked Kyungsoo a lot, he just didn't know if it was in a relationship type way, or a best friend or brother type if way.

Chanyeol crouched down and looked Kyungsoo in the eyes.

"Have fun tonight." Chanyeol smiled.

Kyungsoo looked at Chanyeol, and his features before kissing him on the forehead really quick.

"Don't miss me too much." Kyungsoo said before waving goodbye and walking to his car.

"How old is he?" Chanyeol heard from the door.

"19. Why?" Chanyeol asked turning around to see Baekhyun.

"He just seemed too young and I thought it'd be illegal." He shrugged before walking back in.

Chanyeol followed him in and wondered why he cared.

"Were gonna be heading off too." Minseok said.

"Unless I can spend the night, then I gladly will."

"I mean you could." Chanyeol shrugged. "I don't have work tomorrow so it'd just be us two."

"Maybe another day, I think she's a little obsessed with you." Minseok said grabbing Leeann by the arm.

"Don't worry man, I won't steal her from you."

"I love you, I missed you, it was great seeing you again, we have to hangout soon!" Minseok smiled giving Chanyeol a hug, then he went to say goodbye to Baekhyun.

"Minseok is wrong. I'm not obsessed with you." Leeann whispered

"Good to know." Chanyeol said fiddling Leeann's hair and laughing.

"Would I date you? Yes. Would I break up with Minseok to date you? Maybe. Do I love Minseok? With all my heart. Do we have problems in our relationship? We better not. Would I cheat on Ratseok with you? Maybe once, I know you don't do that type of stuff, but maybe once. How am I so pretty and amazing? I was born with it." Leeann said quickly and quietly hoping that Minseok wouldn't hear.

"What was that?" Chanyeol asked.

"A confession and the answer to all your questions." Leeann said hugging Chanyeol. Minseok walked over to them sand the two left.

"Sorry about bringing up that guy and what you did." Baekhyun said before disappearing into his room.

Chanyeol walked in front of Baekhyun's door.

"It's fine. I'm sorry I brought up your dad and started a fight." Chanyeol said softly hoping that Baekhyun would hear, but also praying he wouldn't.

Chanyeol walked back to his room and put on sweatpants and a big tee shirt and slept.

He dreamt that Baekhyun was waiting for him at a restaurant and when Chanyeol finally got there he couldn't go to Baekhyun because Kyungsoo was trying to take him somewhere else. He dreamt that he was supposed to go to Baekhyun but Kyungsoo was taking him away in front of both of their eyes.

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