01/19/2010 12:00am
Dear Diary,
Today has been one of the best days ever, after hunting in Seattle I came home to a flashing red light on my answering machine. Edward ( @eddiewantsblood ) called, he told me he was caught up in a few obligations but will return to me very soon. My heart leaped out of my chest by those simple words. I kick myself for missing his call, but I feel over joyed listening to his message. Rose and I have a new edition to our family (@EternalEdward_ ) he is my older brother, and of course watches out for me. I feel very loved at this moment, and I am anxious for Edward to return home. He told me he would make it up to me. I think I know how he will make it up to me, at least I hope he does want I'm thinking. I can't wait to tell him my inside feelings about how much I love him. I hope he understands and accepts me for...well...me of course. Which I know he will, he was convinced I was leaving due to him being gone for so long. I want nothing more than his arms around me once again, and I will wait forever if I have to.