Chapter 2 -- Hailey

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Hailey awoke the next morning to her father screaming at her, from the top of the stairs. She rolled out of bed, and looked at herself in the full body mirror. The bruises on her arms had not yet healed, so she dug through her dresser and found a black long sleeve shirt, and a pair of red skinny jeans. It was simple, but warm. She grabbed her gray converse, socks, and her phone, and ran up the stairs.

The only reason she was allowed a phone was because so many people would find it suspicious otherwise. And a co-worker of her father's had sold him the iPhone for $20, so, he bought it, and gave it to her.

She grabbed a piece of fruit from the bowl, grabbed her back pack, and left the house, headphones in hand. 

She always left before her father or brother came downstairs, because then, there'd be hell to pay. She would much rather deal with them when they were awake, and not tired and angry.

As she walked to school, all she could think about was Alex. She wondered if he lived close by. She wondered if he had slept soundly the previous night. She hoped he did, because she didn't. She wondered how he greeted his parents. With a smile, or with sneaking around them? She wondered if he had siblings. She wondered if he had any pets. She had always wanted a dog, but her dad thought they were vermin, and so did her brother, Maz. His real name was Robert, and she had no idea where he came up with Maz, but she knew better than to ask. She wondered what caused his eyes to light up with passion. She wondered what made him happiest. She wanted to know if anyone had ever hurt him. She wanted to know what he thought about the clouds. She wanted to know how his hand felt in her's.

'Stop it!' Her mind scolded her, 'He doesn't even like you. He only feels sorry for you.'

She decided her thoughts would only get worse, so she put in her headphones, and began to play Mayday Parade's, Save Your Heart.

"Oh the irony." She whispered to herself.

When she got to school, she realized how tired she really was. She was really early, as per usual. She didn't really care though. She liked to watch the other kids walk into the school. She could tell a lot from the way people walked/stood.

She saw Trent, whom Isabelle had pointed out to her yesterday, and she noticed that he was unconsciously holding his stomach. She wondered when the last time he had eaten was. He looked really pale, but he hid it with his smile, and falsely bright eyes.

Then, she saw Alex. She noticed he was clutching the bottom of his sleeves, and that he was walking around, somewhat mechanically.

"Heya," She said, walking over to Alex, a smile on her face.

He smiled, "Hey,"

"How are you doing?" She asked him as they walked into school together.

"Mediocre." He said, "You?"

"Tired." She admitted.

"Of what?" He asked, and she was slightly taken aback.

"Sleep deprivation. Shouting." She knew she had said too much, after shouting came out of her mouth. 

His eyebrows raised in curiosity, but before he could ask, she said, "This is my class," and she darted into the English room.

The teacher walked in, and handed out a copy of The Scarlet Letter, and told everyone to read until the bell rang, so that's what they did. Hailey, who was always a big fan of reading, couldn't seem to focus on the book. Certain phrases were ringing in her ears from the night before.

'It's your fault I'm some washed up drunk!'

'Your face is so disgusting! How could such a wonderful woman produce such a hideous monster?'

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