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private message

liebling ❤️:
liebling ❤️:
you okay?

sweet riley 😌:

liebling ❤️:
what did they ask you about?

sweet riley 😌:
they just kept asking me about our relationship
sweet riley 😌:
most of it was ok i guess but then they got really nosy and wouldn't change the topic smh
sweet riley 😌:
anyway enough about me how's filming

liebling ❤️
liebling ❤️:
except mackie spilled juice twice on my pants so yknow

sweet riley 😌:
tell him i said hi
sweet riley 😌:
OH and tell seb alina said hi too but dont tell him she really didnt and it was just me

liebling ❤️:
are you seriously getting his hopes up

sweet riley 😌:
he did the same thing to me w hamilton so revenge bitch

liebling ❤️:
this is why i love you
liebling ❤️:
i wish you could see us film though

sweet riley 😌:
uhh as if i could just fly to another continent get real now schatz
sweet riley 😌:
besides i dont think the crew would be v happy to see me there

liebling ❤️:
whaaaat they love you

sweet riley 😌:
i wouldnt stop walking around taking pictures and yelling at every single object ofc they're annoyed with me

liebling ❤️:
pft everyone does that

sweet riley 😌:
and by everyone you mean you, right?

liebling ❤️:

sweet riley 😌:

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