In Shock

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Bella POV:

I was throwing up.and.then i called.leah and said "leah i need ur help please hurry over" and she told me "ok bella just hang in their i will be over as soon as i can" "ok leah hurry"

Leah POV:

When i git their i heard bella throwing up in the bathroom so knocked then walked in to see bella sitting on the floor crying her eyes out and she said to me " thak you for coming" i  said back to her "its not a problem bella and where is charlie dose he know u feel sick"

"NO he dosent and dont tell him because i dont think im sick" i was confused but.i said "what do u mean bella i see i throwing up how could u not be sick what else cou......... have u taken a pregnancy test yet"

"no she said but i think i.... Ow" "whats wrong bella" "i felt something move"

Bella POV:

then i said "hand me a pregnancy tesr now leah i will be out in a min" and with that she handed me the pregnancy test and left the bathroom.  When i walked out she came up to me and said "well bella what was it are u pregnant "i looked her in the eye and smiled yes leah im going to have a baby" she jumped up and down with joy  then she said "soooo bella who is the father" i looked at her and said "its jacob black" she looked at me in shock. "no way thats the father" i said smiling "yes thats the father" leah said "well we have to.tell him like now and bella listen to me what ever u do try not to to a wolf a lot" "ok leah i will try not to" so we called jake and i said to him

"hey jake can i tell u something"

"anything always" he said "well in the past few weeks i think i have........i.....i think........ I think i have fallen in love with u" .He didnt say anything he was probably in shock the next i.know was o jeatd a knock at the door and it was jake "also jake thats not all do u remember three weeks ago when we were in my room in my bed. "yeah" he said "well u got me pregnant" he stood there i could tell he was thinking about something.

Jacob POV:

I cant believe that i got bella pregnant. I was in shock when she showed me. when u finally said something i said to bella. "bells have u told charlie yet or renee or.anyone else" she said right back to me "no jake i have only told you and leah but my dad will find out sooner or later and we both know that" so when bella told her dad he said that we couldnt see eachother for 2 months that made us so mad.

Bella POV:

It made me so mad that charlie

said that that i took off in the woods.and I phased in to a wolf and when i stoped i took tje clothes that i had grabed before i left and pit them on and grabed from the bag and l just droped to the ground before i felt more and more pain i didnt even know where i was but all i know is that i cant phase in tell my.child is born.         

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