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Bella POV:

I cant belive leah was here it has been so long. So we talked talked and talked. i said  hows jacob doing is he ok...... She said then BELLA CALM DOWN jacob is ok he is doing ok i guess but he drinks now ever sense u left but why havent u called or came home? well the first three years of her life i was nervous to go anywhere cause she was so young then when she was 4 i had to home school her just incase she phased in school but just recently she phased it was like 1 or 2 days ago i am so proud of her. Leah said but bella why are u here she asked i said well im here because well I seen the cullens I was going for them when emmett broke my ribs and i hit the ground i felt all pain in my body i heard emmet laugh and say "haha shows u whos more powerfull u stupied mut" liea howled softley and then emmett and jasper took me back here so that carlise  could heal me my rib for healed yet so Why are u here leah.  and leah said well I'm here to find you bella please come home soon at that moment i said let me think about it and then the cullens came back and leah took off.

Alice POV:

Hey bella can i have word with u she asked i said sure but we sent to her room and she sat me on the bed and said "what are u going to do u can still stay here if u would like but u cant leave yet ur bones are still not fully healed yet" i seen leah was here with u and dont worry i wont tell the others" i smiled and gave  her a hug she looked shocked and i said "thank you so much alice"

she kust smiled  in then u seen a bad look on her face she wispered "leia"

Bella POV:

i got scared she ran down the hall and went in the room leia was staying in and she yelled "Carlisle" i got scared and ran to the room but i hit the side of the bed and screamed in pain, rose and emmett came to help me put i was just to worried about leia to do anything but she whats wrong but wht i didnt know what that i had  blood running down my leg and blood stans on my shirt i heard alice tell carlise to get my side before emmett and rose hurt me and thats when i seen a puddle of blood on the floor and rose and emmett were just about to run at me when something had stoped them it was carlise. I had Blood every where and emmett and rose ran out of the room and carlise helped me he said how did this happen i told him u was going to see what's wrong with leia but I  hit my side on the bed and it must have started bleeding. And after that alice told me something i codnt even think of she said "bella i had a vision after u left... jacob started drinking and he wanted his child..... so he was drunk and he came by and took leia..... And ran off i had a look of horror on my face but then i heard screaming from outside my window and i said i need to find her and alice said let us help i said ok but carlise and alice went with me rose and emmett went together and jasper  went with esme and i seen alice again she said go left right and then right  again carlise did as alice said and they caught her sent and wjen i heard screaming i was still in pain but i didnt care anymore.i just wanted my baby girl back and i found my daughter with blood on her side and her face and i screamed my self she was shaking she was scared to deth right now ahen she heard me she yelled mommy to me and i ran up to her and said  oh my god did jacob do this to you she said yes but i could tell she was in pain and that made me bad i screames for carlise and alice and i said jacob did this to my baby girl he has to pay for what he has done to he he needs to pay.

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