Leia Gets Mad

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Leia POV:

I seen edward come down stairs and he called my name and i got scared and said "leia your mom would like to see u now" and i was so relieved when he said that" so i followed him and when we reached my moms room he stopped and i went in and i seen my mommy in tears and she seen me and said "BABY ARE U ALRIGHT WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU WHERE DID HE TAKE YOU" and all i said was "mommy i am ok i will tell u the rest later ok" and she just nodded and i said "mommy do u want to talk to edward alone"? and she just said "yeah honey i think we need to speak alone" and with that i left the two of them alone.

Edward POV:

As i started to say "bella im sor" when she cut me off and just said "thank you for saving my baby girl i dont know what i would have dobe with out her" and all i said is " any time and bella im sorry for what i did to u in the woods years ago" and she just said "WHY? WHY........why did u leave me and say u didnt love me"? "bella i was trying to let u have  a normal life and be happy with out me in your life" and she said "HAPPY.....HAPPY HOW COULD I BE HAPPY WHEN THE LOVE  OF MY LIFE SAID HE DOSENT LOVE ME AND DOSENT WANT ME EDWARD HOW DOSE THAT SOUND HAPPY TO U I COULDNT LIVE EDWARD I HAD NIGHTMARES I WAS WOKEN UP BY MY DAD BECAUSE I WAS SCREAMING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT EDWARD"!!!!!!!!!!!

"bella im sorry i didnt realise" and then i heard something glass break and i couldnt believe what was going on..................

leia POV:

(her leaving the room so bella and edward could talk)

I was leaving mu moms rooms so she could talk with edward when

i seen something wrong with alice and she yelled my name but it was not a mad yell it sounded kinda frightened i ran down the steps and fell hitting my head i woke up one miniute later and i seen alice still had callin my name but i seen a little pool of blood and i left is cause alice niw stoped yelling and screamed

"LEIA GET OUT OF THE WWAYYY HURRY MOVE" but then rose quickly grabed me and when she ran she broke a glass vase and a piece of it hit me and made me bleed but that was the least of my worries seconds later i seen two wolves out side and one of them was throun up on the glass window and it shatteredand a big wolf was standing in the place i was a second ago i started screaming and then i heard my mommy scream "if u dont let me out i will hurt u" but then i yelled "mommy stay in their please do it for me" and she just said "ok" and then the big wolf that was standing where i was was now ouy side with the other wolf (i guess u didt realise they were still fighting) and then i heard a girl scream and u looked out at the two wolfes and said "that girl shes mommys friend and that wolf hurt her that wolf will pay" and then alice old everyone move and as she did my mommy came down the steps with edward and i said "let me handle this alone mom i can handle it i promise" and she said ok but if u get hurt i am coming and i nodded and u turned into a  white wolf a little bit bigger than i was before but i could think i was face to face with the monster that hurt leah and i started fighting.

(5 mins later)

That wolf was on the floor back in humam form and i was to but i had clothes and he did to but i said "if u ever hurt someone i know u will feel this pain probably even worse pain next time and with that the human turned back into a wolf and limped off into the woods as for leah she was being tearted by carlise and i was glad that she was going to be ok after all..

I hope u liked it i am also making a new book called after breaking dawn (my verison) and please comment on them

Both so i can keep writing and start writng on my other one and hey the more comments or readers or votes i get means u will update sooner ok tell ur friends to read my books ok

bye and if u want me to read ur books just put them in the comments or message me ok byeeee

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