Just met my brother who i didnt know i had, oh and also his 5 incredibly, gorgeous bestfriends!4

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Heyyyy PPL!!! :D thankssssssss to all that commented and voted!! I looove you guys!!

I'm sorry to say that not one person came close to guessing what Abby (the sister) looked like. Hahaha some nice guesses tho!

Okay im going to make this shorter than usual...but if its not its because once I start I cant stop...so well see how it turns out,

I promised yall (you see I like using the world yall (you+all) tee hee...sorry. well I promised yall that I would make this whole chap bout the guys and I will!



RECAP-Abby was just walking down the stairs.

There she stood on the bottom step. She stopped and looked at me. She was not the person I was expecting to see.

She had medium brown hair. It was not well kept, it was just long and straight. She had hideous glasses, that masked her pretty face.

I'm sorry to say that she has a uni-brow. I barely tell that she had bright drown eyes because of the glasses.

All together...she wasn't a very pretty girl.

I smiled at her...and she smiled back.

"hi you must be Jenna" she said. She had a pretty voice.

She stepped off the step. I was mesmerized by the way she walked. She had more grace than anyone id ever seen. It looked like her every move was deliberate. She had a nice body...just not a nice face. I know its mean but...well. I'm not going to judge her though, I don't judge people by their looks.

She stopped in front of the chair I was in. she swayed when she stopped and crossed her hands behind her back.

"im Jaspers sister. Well his adopted sister. I've been waiting to meet you...well we ALL have. I hope we can be really good friends." she smiled at the end. She had a really pretty voice.

Im really good at reading people. I could tell she was nice!

"hi! Nice to meet you!" I stood up and smiled. I stuck my hand out to shake hers but I guess that she had other plans. She attacked me with a big hug. Her skinny hands wrapping around my stomach.

My eyes widened...then a smile spread across my face and I hugged her back.

She released me and smiled.

She made me really happy. I came here to find my long lost brother and now I have a new friend. I looked back at the guys. They were all looking at us with amused faces.

"oh guys shut up!!" Abby yelled.

They all smiled.

"what?" I asked

"nothing" Abby mouthed to me.

I sat back in the metal stool and Abby sat besides me.

"okay you ready to eat" Jasper turned from the bacon and smiled at me!

Right at that time my stomach grumbled.

Abby was the only on to hear it and laughed.

"yeah lets get this girl some food." she exclaimed.

I blushed. Ugh I hate it that I blush! It always gives me away!

"okay Jen, what do ya want" Jasper walked over to the island and sat a big pan of bacon, toast, pancakes and waffles down.

just met my brother who i didnt know i had, oh and also his 5 incredibly, gorgeous best friends!Where stories live. Discover now