Just met my brother who i didnt know i had, oh and also his 5 incredibly, gorgeous bestfriends!13

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Hey guys!! Wow!! Like 400 votes!! I love yall more and more every time!!

Okay I would like to address a comment I saw and was very upset when I read it.

"personally I love your story but you shouldn't make people vote and comment to update and 300?

Bit full of yourself....other would be happy with just 50 comments" -HHNHHHN

Thank you for ripping my heart out. I was devastated when I read this....I don't want reader to think this. I'm not meaning to be full of myself...I hope yall believe that. I genially care for all of yall and want yall to be happy with my stories. I do this because I need time in between chapters...this gives me the time and an excuse so you ppl cant get mad at me.

It also shows me how much you really want the next chapter. Think of it from my point of view...as a writer. I hope you all don't think I am "full of myself" and continue to enjoy my stories.

And Btw I don't make my readers comment...I could get one comment and still update. I love to get comments and they mean a lot to me...but I don't put a limit to them.

So I love you guys and im sorry some of you feel this way...I never ment to act fullofmyselfish.

Hope you enjoy my next chapter!


I stared at the guys. Deciding hat I would do. I was just about to open my mouth then a loud screeching sound penetrated my brain.

I looked over to the right to see a big blue truck hurtling towards my direction. It was rounding the turn but skidded sideways and continued. It slammed to a stop 20 feet from out little mob.

Then door swung open and a very flustered looking Jasper looked my way. His eyes met mine and her came running over.

"JENNA!!" he ran to me and picked me up in the air.

"im soo sorry!! I forgot you!! Omgash!! I...forgot my sister!!" he wailed while hugging me tight and cutting off my air supply. He continued mumbling and I struggled to squirm free. His strong arms didn't budge just as I was turning blue.

I jabbed him in the stomach and he let go. He stepped back a step and stared at me. His eyes wide like a crazy person. I couldn't help it...I burst out laughing. His face smoothed and he rolled his eyes.

He mumbled something along the lines of "shut up...I was worried."

I smashed my lips together and stopped laughing.

"don't worry, im okay" I smirked at him. That's what he gets for leaving me.

"good. And it wasn't totally my fault....Abby forgot you too!" he sand and pointed to Abby who was still in the truck. I could make out her face in the glass and I saw her promptly stick out her tongue and give him a face. She opened the door and leaned out.

"im really sorry!! We didn't mean too!!" she yelled out the door.

Jasper looked at Preston who seemed amused by the whole ordeal.

"what I was just going to give her a ride" he said innocently "since her brother forgot her"

Jasper glared at him, losing the battle he shrugged it off and smiled at me.

"ready to go" he asked me.

"yeah I was ready to go 20 minutes ago" I exaggerated.

He huffed and walked to the car. In no was I was I going to let him live this down. I walked after them ignoring the guys behind me.

just met my brother who i didnt know i had, oh and also his 5 incredibly, gorgeous best friends!Where stories live. Discover now