Just met my brother who i didnt know i had, oh and also his 5 incredibly, gorgeous bestfriends!25

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Okay so you go!!!!


"Jasper tell me what happened" I was getting stares from other people as I practically ran after him.

"Adam" he gasped

"what about Adam?" I yelled, he ignored me as he cut through the parking lot. He fumbled with the door but successfully pulled it open, I jumped in and buckled my seatbelt. Jasper threw the crutches into the backseat and fired up the truck, as soon as he put it in gear he reversed.

My head was thrown toward the dashboard and then into the seat. Jasper was driving like a maniac, I held on tight as he swerved away from a van.

"Jasper...WHAT HAPPENED?" I demanded.

He looked at me gravely. "Adam was leaving our house to go and pick up some clothes, a drunk driver ran a red light and hit his car. He's in the intensive unit"

"oh my god" was all I could mutter. First Jasper and now Adam!!! What's next! Was Abby going to fall off a cliff.

I remained silent as Jasper drove like a madman. I could see that Jasper was indeed very worried. When we finally got there after what seemed like eons I quickly followed Jasper to the third floor. As soon as the elevator doors opened I could see everyone else in the hall.

Jasper and I rushed to their side and immediately everyone tried to explain what was going on. I tried to listen but their voices was mixing and mashing together, not able to form a coherent response.

"one at a time!!!" Jasper yelled!

Everyone was silent.

"he's okay, he just woke up. He will be fine just a few minor cuts and bruises and he broke a few ribs and fractured his collar bone. His ace is ct up pretty bad from smashing it into the windshield and his hand is really bad shape...he's going to live though!" Nick said as he stepped forward.

Me and Jasper both let out a breath of air. Abby came running forth and hugged me. I knew that not only Adam but all the guys were like a brother to her.

"okay you can see him now" we all turned and saw a doctor exiting the room. He was young and good looking, he was wearing the typical white long doctor thingy. He smiled at us.

"he is going to be okay, don't worry. May I talk to some of his closest friends? I need some more medical information?"

"yeah sure, umm. Come one guys I guess well all go" Jasper stepped forward along with Nick, Channing, Calvin and Preston. They followed the doctor down the hall and disappeared.

I was left standing by Abby and Clay. I looked at them wondering what I should do.

"come one clay" Abby said pulling his hand "lets go eat, Jenna you go and talk to Adam. He is probably lonely." I nodded and turned to his door.

I peered in the window before entering. I looked past the pale pink curtains to the small white bed in the center of the room. Adam was connected to several IV's with different color liquids. His face was bandaged and cut but his eyes were closed. I tore my eyes away from the glass and slowly opened the door.

The room was clean and...white. It was almost so bright I wanted to squint my eyes. The air was thin and smelled of Lysol. I instinctively took a deep breath and shuttered at the cold air. I slowly walked to his bed and leaned down to rest my arms on the railing.

I took another deep breath and held it in, but when I could no longer hold it I let it out. Another close call with someone I love. Yes I do love him but I love him as a friend.

just met my brother who i didnt know i had, oh and also his 5 incredibly, gorgeous best friends!Where stories live. Discover now