Just met my brother who i didnt know i had, oh and also his 5 incredibly, gorgeous bestfriends!8

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Wow like 160 votes!! Amazing!!

Thanks to all that voted, each and everyone make me smile. I haven't checked my messages in a while cuz I thought it would at least take a couple of days until I had a hundred!!

But I decided to update since you guys are so awesome!

Hahaha here you go!

P.S all the comments about Stacey...if I was her I would be scared! Lol

Sorry yall are probably thinking SHUT UP! Lol :D


I stared at Stacey and Jazz. (oh yeah someone said I should call him Jazz for short...thanks for the tip. I like Jazz better:D)

He was staring at her face, smiling. He looked so happy. Wow she must be a good actor. She turned his was and smiled back.

I swallowed back the vile that was coming up my throat. How could he like HER! She was the most horrible, manipulative, backstabbing, horrible person ever.

But as I looked at his face I knew he liked her, a lot. Ugh why her! I guess I was going to have do this slowly, expose her for who she is.

I smiled back. "good to see you again, cant wait for tonight" I said in a honey sweet voice.

She looked at me shocked. She was probably expecting me to reply rudely...well two can play at that game.

"so who is this" asked Jasper looking at Dallas. All the guys stopped and stared at him, more like glared.

Ha! They probably thought he was my Bf or something. Dallas caught the same drift because he smiled and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He then gave a smug smile to the guys.

The guys reacted to the smile by frowning and grounding their teeth together. They looked they were ready to snatch Dallas's arm off.

"im her best friend, im also a singer at Maximum" he smiled wider. He over exaggerated his gay voice. He looked like he was ready to burst out laughing. The guys stopped frowning and relaxed. It was obvious he was gay now.

I looked at Calvin. His eyes widened and he smiled. His eyes only on Dallas. Huh weird, does he know him?

I looked at the clock. 7:17. It takes 30 minutes to get there and singers have to be there by 7:45. If your getting ready there you have to be there at seven, but Dallas had already fixed me up.

"come on guys we have to go!" I walked past Stacey

(accidentally) bumping her and grabbed my purse from the counter. I turned and walked to the door. They all turned to follow my lead.

When we got outside Dallas turned towards his car and yelled,

"byya! Ill see you there Jenna...Devil." he said directing that to Stacey.

"what did you say!" Stacey who was a little behind, exploded. We all stopped to look at her, even Jazz. She froze and her eyes got wide.

" I said id see you later Jenna" he said innocently. He turned around and got in his car. The only thing you could hear was the crunch of his feet on the gravel. I smiled to myself. The "devil" had it coming.

Everyone was staring at Stacey still.

"come on guys!! We've got to goo!!" I yelled. Everyone slowly turned back around and looked at me. I waved my hand in a "come on" motion.

just met my brother who i didnt know i had, oh and also his 5 incredibly, gorgeous best friends!Where stories live. Discover now