Truth or dare with jeremy and your friends

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"It's your turn Y/N!" Caroline yelled over the loud music. "y/n truth or dare?" She asked with a smirk. "Dare" i said confidently. "Alright fine. I dare you to kiss Jeremy!" She said sitting back in her chair smiling knowing I liked him.
Oh god why ....Jeremy why.... My friends just love to tease me. I closed my eyes as my friend erupted in roar screaming 'Jeremy!' I opened my eyes and smiled lightly as Jeremy looked at me raising his eyebrows.

He leaned in and i felt his soft lips press against mine

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He leaned in and i felt his soft lips press against mine. I smiled into the kiss but got kind of carried away when i began to deepen the kiss and he did as well. I can hear Bonnie, Caroline, Rebecca, Elena and Hayley behind me screaming  "Woah!" but we didn't pay attention. "Okay love birds the time has been up for 2 min" Rebecca said. I pulled away embarrassingly. My cheeks were red and i embarrassingly walked outside away from Jeremy to get some fresh air.
"Hey, y/n?" I  turned around to see Jeremy walking towards me. "Yeah sorry about that back there. I kind of got carried away" i said blushing looking away from him.
"Ha it's fine" Jeremy smiled. I look at him with a straight face. He was ok with it??? I thought. He was now blushing. I smiled knowing I made him blush. He breaks the silence and says. "I kinda enjoyed it..." He said looking at me seriously. I felt butterflies in my stomach. "R-really?? Well I've actually never... Kissed someone before so that's nice to no.." I say blushing and smiling to my self. "You've never kissed anyone before?? Why'd you let me kiss you?? I didn't want you to waist your first kiss on someone like me..." He said now a little upset. I look at him straight in the eyes and say. "It technically wasn't a waist.... " he smiled and said. "Well I'm sorry.... " I smile and said "It's ok really... Maybe I wanted you to be my first kiss..." I say blushing. He smiled turning really like really red. And said nervously. "Hey
y/n I've.... Ive liked you for a while... And I was wondering... Would you um be I don't know my uh my girlfriend???? " he said very quietly and rubbed the back of his neck and looked at me with wonder.. I smile.... "Of course jer.." I say grabbing his face and kissing him. And that started a very beautiful relationship between the two of you... and maybe one day you guys would have a beautiful family....

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