Short but dont worry im updating again

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“Y/n?? Can I ask you something??” Jeremy said hugging me from behind. I smiled and nodded. “Anything..” I said giggling. “What if I accidentally got you pregnant?? Would you be mad??” He asked kissing my check. I looked at him in the reflection of the mirror. “Why are you asking weird questions??” I said with a laugh rinsing my tooth brush off. He had a serious face. “Well you see Elena told me yesterday when we were at Damon's house that she heard 3 heart beats and one was much softer and we were the only humans there and she told me you were pregnant... Look I'm sorry please don't get mad i-i just have one request and that's please don't get rid off her or him.. I'm sorry again.. I love you ....” He said letting me go and I looked at him with wide eyes and he had watery eyes and ran his hands threw his hair and blew out. “I get it if you're angry.. I-im sorry.....” he said his voice cracking and he left the bathroom. I looked at my reflection with wide eyes and then looked at my stomach.. I looked out to his bedroom and saw him sitting on his bed with his hands over his face. I walked over and sat next to him grabbing his hands pulling them off his face. He looked at me and his face was red and tears were all down his face. I tilted my head and squeezed his hands. “Why would I be angry at you??” I said giving him a kiss. “I love you too.. And I would never get rid off anything you have given to me... This is the best gift you have ever given me Jer... I love you..” I said with a smile. He smiled and  gave me a kiss.

(There will be a part 2 of you and Jeremy taking care of the baby she or he will be 4 and I need to know if its a boy or girl comment please)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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