Jeremy coming over for dinner he slips his hands under my dress

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         'Bonnie, I am freaking out! What happens if they don't like him?' I asked as I flopped backwards onto my bed in a fit of stress.
'Relax! Everything will be fine. So your dad is a little...scary-'
'A little?!' I shouted as I shot up; my baggy t-shirt bunching up against my stomach revealing my pale bare legs. 'When I told him about Jer coming for dinner, he said he'd keep his shotgun near the table just in case!'
Bonnie shot me a smirk before pulling me up and towards my dressing table. 'What are the actual chances of that being true?' she asked as she began to curl my hair into gentle ringlets.
I raised my eyebrows as I watched her concentrate on my hair. 'Bonnie Bennet, have you ever know my dad to joke?' I watched as she sighed, looked at my reflection and shrugged her shoulders.
'I'm sure it'll be fine. Jeremy's a complete gentleman. He would never do or say anything bad especially in front of your parents so just try and relax and enjoy the night!'
I gave her a small smile as she finished up my hair. She then swivelled my chair round before she started to do my makeup. I couldn't remember what she actually did to my face but I remember that there was lots of swearing as she drew on my eye causing me to laugh which made her swear more.
Once she was done, she pulled out an off the shoulder black skater skirt that finished mid thigh. As she picked out a very high pair of black stilettos, I shook my head vigorously and went straight for my black converses. At this, Bonnie rolled her eyes. 'Will you ever wear heels?' she asked as we walked down the stairs.
'Of course I will; when I'm in my grave.' I turned back to give her a smirk before giving her a large hug.
'Tell me how it goes?' she asked as she opened the front door.
'Duh,' I laughed giving her a brief wave as I watched her walk towards her car. Suddenly, a loud clatter of glasses echoed through the house. I slammed the door shut before running into the kitchen to see my mum and little brother running around to the various counters round the kitchen. My father, however, was seated in his usual chair in the sitting room; his eyes blank as he stared at the TV. Maybe he was more nervous than I was.
'Oh, there you are darling!' exclaimed mum as she ran around the island towards me; my brother trying to reach the plates in the cupboard. 'Can you help your brother to lay the table?'
I nodded before walking over to my brother. Giving him a smirk, I reached for the plates and placed them in his hands. He stuck out his tongue before stomping towards the dinning room. Once I had fished the cutlery out of the draws and laid the table, I heard a soft knock from the front door and I couldn't stop my heart from picking up its speed.
'I'll get it!' I shouted as I ran towards the door, watching my dad slowly get out of his chair; his posture stiffening with each movement.
Once I reached the door, I stood there for a moment, trying to calm my quickening heartbeat, before I pulled down the handle. Standing before me was Jeremy Gilbert. Wearing a dinner jacket, chinos and a white shirt, Master Gilbert was looking very very attractive. So attractive, in fact, that I had no idea that my mouth was hanging open.
'Hi,' he said with a flirty smile before taking my hand and brushing his lips against it.
I swallowed deeply before noticing one of his hands behind his back. I frowned but before I could come in, footsteps from behind me echoed into through the hallway.
'Hi. You must be Jeremy,' said mum as she walked around me to shake Jeremy's hand. 'I'm Kate.'
'It's a pleasure to meet you,' said Jeremy with a smile on his face. Suddenly, he pulled out a large bouquet of pastel coloured flowers. 'These are for you.'
'Oh! How thoughtful! You really shouldn't have!' exclaimed mum as she took them in her hands and smelled them. 'George, come and meet Jeremy!' she said as she walked into the kitchen to grab a vase.
My father walked round the corner and gave Jeremy a once over. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Typical dad to make a dinner with my boyfriend feel like being tried for murder.
'I'm George,' he stated as he walked over to Jeremy. 'You must be the Gilbert boy I've heard so much about.'
'Dad!' I hissed.
'Indeed I am, sir,' replied Jeremy before extending his hand towards my father. 'It's an honour to meet you. And I must say thank you so much for inviting me for dinner.'
My father simply looked him in the eye before saying 'hmm' and walking off towards the kitchen. My little brother simply stuck his tongue out at me before running off towards the kitchen. Trust my little 9 year old brother to be rude in front of guests.
'I am so sorry about-' Before I could finish, Jeremy snaked his hands around me and pulled my tight against his chest before giving me a heated kiss.
Once it broke off, he leant his forehead against mine. 'Sorry. Just couldn't wait.' With a cheeky grin, he let me go and took my hand. I simply smiled before pulling him towards the dinning room where the food was already laid out.
Dinner was delicious and in no way awkward. Dad made lots of jokes and even ended up talking about baseball with Jeremy. Lucky for me, dad was sitting at the head, next to me and mum with Jeremy sitting next to me and my brother next to mum.
'So, explain it to me; your guardian is your history teacher?' asked dad, not in a rude way but with something that replicated curiosity.
'Yes, sir,' said Jeremy, taking a small sip of wine after answering. 'You see, my sister and I...'
I had completely zoned out of the conversation and, instead, watched Jeremy as he spoke; the words rolling over his tongue and, at one point, went to wet his lips. As I reached for my glass of wine, I felt a warm and soft hand stroke my knee. I almost chocked on my wine, causing my mum to give me a questionable look. I just smiled at her before taking another sip as Jeremy's fingers stroked my knee lightly.
A few moments later, mum brought out her delicious homemade brownie. When she placed plates in front of Jeremy and I, Jeremy removed his hand but the moment she passed, he put it straight back again although this time, it was higher; just below the hem of my dress.
I had barely taken a bite of my brownie when Jeremy began to gently massage my leg, slowly moving my dress so he could get underneath it. I tried desperately hard not to blush but the moment his fingers started to stroke the inside of my thigh, I whipped my head towards him.
He simply turned to give me a sweet smile before continuing the conversation with my mum. I felt myself giving him evils which made him smile slightly. I turned back to continue eating my brownie before I felt Jeremy's fingers reach the top of my thigh. I almost breathed in my brownie when I felt his fingers gently brush over my underwear.
I looked back at him to see that he was just laughing with my parents whilst the tips of his fingers brushed against my pants. I swallowed deeply as I felt his fingers tug the fabric away before he gently stroked my clit.
I bit my bottom lip as his fingers rubbed harder. I took a large gulp of wine before he placed one finger at my entrance; his other finger still stroking my clit.
I ended up breathing in a bit of wine causing me to cough violently, yet Jeremy's fingers didn't move. 'Hon, you ok?' my mum asked.
I made a sound of agreement as I placed my glass down. Dad just shrugged and started to talk to Jeremy about baseball but mum just kept her eyes on me, knowing that something was up.
'So tell me Kate,' Jeremy started as he dug his fingers deeper into me, causing me to bite back a moan. 'How on earth did you make this brownie?' he asked giving me a brief smile before turning back to her. I was going to murder him afterwards.
'Well!' exclaimed mum as she went into a deep description of how she made it and what she used all the whilst Jeremy was circling and rubbing me not 1 foot away from my parents.
I could feel my heart racing even quicker and I knew if I wasn't careful, I was going to break right in front of my parents.
'If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get something from my room,' I said in a hurry. I reluctantly pulled his fingers from me before trying not to run to upstairs.
Once I reached my room, I shut the door and leant against it, trying to calm myself down. Not 3 minutes after I had come in, I heard a faint tap against my door. I frowned before turning to open the door but the moment I did, I was turned around as a hand snaked round my waist, clawing at my skirt till their hand was rubbing against my pants. 'Let's finish off what we started shall we?' whispered Jeremy as he kicked my door shut.
This time, there was no foreplay. He thrust his fingers deep inside me as his thumb stroked my clit. I bit my bottom lip in an attempt to keep from moaning out but at that moment, I heard the sound of the TV from downstairs. 'You can make all the sounds you want. Just let go.'
At his words, his fingers dug deeper a few more times causing me to scream as I fell over the edge. However, he didn't stop. He continued to thrust his fingers inside me for what felt like hours, causing my head to fall back onto his chest as my orgasm continued. Thank god Jeremy's arm was around me otherwise I would have collapsed.
Once I had calmed down, he kissed my neck, removed his fingers and gave me a brief kiss on the lips. 'I need to get home now but I'll call you later?' he whispered against my lips yet all I could do was nod. He laughed quietly before standing back to examine me. He brushed my dress twice before taking my hand and pulling me down the stairs.
He reached for the door as my parents came around the corner. He gave my dad a firm handshake and my mum a kiss on the cheek. Both of my parents turned away as he placed a chaste kiss on my lips. 'I'll call you later,' he whispered before giving me a smirk and walking out the house towards the car.
I slowly shut the door once his car was out of sight. Once I turned round, my mother was smiling at me; my dads angry shouts from the baseball game echoing through the house. 'He seems like a very sweet boy,' she said with a knowing smile. Oh, if only she knew the half of it.

Hope you liked it my sister had to type it out because my hand is hurting lol but sorry if there are any errors hope you liked it

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