"First Impressions Do Count You Know!"

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I parked my black Ferrari in the reserved spot for senior staff and opened its sleek door.
"Shoot! ", I murmured as I  caught sight of my flip-flop clad feet. In my haste, I had totally forgotten to put on my heels. Today has been a rough day from the very  beginning ; to start off, I totally overslept and had only 15 minutes to shower, grab some breakfast and take the 20 minutes drive to Faith Cardiology Centre. Good thing the morning traffic was surprisingly light although I still had to overspeed. So here I am in my  beige blouse, charcoal black office skirt with matching suit jacket and....flip-flops . My dark hair is styled  in a neat bun with some stray curls  framing   my porcelain skin. My baby pink lips contort into a pout and gradually a sneer. I have a super important meeting with the board at 8:00 sharp  and last time I checked, the time was 7:52! I  can't possibly drive back home and asking my colleagues for a spare pair of heels is a big NEVER!  I will not stoop that low to ask the  junior staff for help! I would rather roam the streets of New York in nothing but a tutu skirt than receive help from those conniving underachievers! All they do is gossip, flirt and attend rowdy parties at the close of work whilst hearts are failing and precious lives are slipping away! I reprimand them for their immature behavior and I become the Big Bad Wolf! I have managed to instill some discipline in the Health Centre yet  I still have to watch my back for their relentless pranks; salt in my coffee, itching powder in my hand sanitizer, hair dye in my shampoo and the classic; butter on the staircase so I  trip and fall. You can't really blame me for preferring the stairs to the elevator because I like to keep my body in shape plus our little " female dogs" may try to pull a stunt like locking me in the elevator or controlling it from  the main control room so the elevator keeps on ascending and descending   non- stop till I spill my guts out. I tried firing them all but Dr. Gary; my boss claims it would be pretty difficult to replace them due to their "exceptional" qualities and potential. This makes them think they are invincible so they do as they please. I just hope the board meeting goes smoothly so I can ask for a transfer to another branch. Working in the Burbank branch sucks!
"Quit yammering and think Selena! You've got barely 4 minutes to formulate a plan!" I scold myself.
"Maybe I can steal Leah's stilettos."I muse aloud.
"I  swear that good- for  - nothing secretary is such a gossip that  she wouldn't even notice if a bulldozer  came crushing down the building! Plus I would be taking revenge for that time when she sneaked into my en suite  bathroom in my office and replaced my lavender shower gel with a rose scented shower gel ; fully  aware that I am awfully allergic to roses! I know what you are thinking ; why on earth would I take a shower in the office?  Well let's just say my darling colleagues accidentally dumped a bowl of custard all over me!Good thing I always have spare clothing. So maybe I am slightly paranoid so what? Working with those savages sure helped to enhance my survival instincts. Tsk. Tsk. The life of the helpless prey! I had a presentation on that very day so you  can imagine what happened!
The quiet purr of a Porsche jolts me out of my reverie. I  turn my head slowly for dramatic effect with a nasty scowl on my well-defined features. A ravishing young man possibly a year or two older than I am steps out of the car ; bumping my derriere with the car door in the process. I growl in frustration and give  him a death glare. I know  you are probably thinking "don't  I have a meeting to attend?"Well I do and either way I am probably going to be late. I might as well stall until my grand entry in... flip-flops. The board would be outraged!
His piercing  steel-grey eyes scrutinizes my appearance and he cocks a thick, well-shaped eyebrow at me. He smirks in amusement making his eyes glow warmly.
"Done gawking?" he drawls in a cool manner that makes me feel like chopping my head off. So annoying!!
" Do you pluck your eyebrows? You do know that it isn't quite manly. " I reply in a bored tone. He seems relaxed and this annoys me the more.
" Of course not! These babies were naturally designed by "Dieu" ; by God! And so is my fine body. "he retorted proudly. I snorted in the most unladylike fashion. He wrinkled his perfectly straight nose [making him look like a constipated pig] as he assessed my appearance again.
" What's up with the Angry Birds flip-flops? " he asked incredulously. I flushed a bright crimson but caught myself in the nick  of time to cover it up with my most intimidating  scowl. He opens his car and chucks a pair of wedges at me which I catch swiftly. Wedges aren't my speciality;I am more of a pencil heel type of girl but I have  to make do. I strap them on and it is kind of loose but I don't  care! I quickly touch up on my make up, throw in my flip-flops, grab my purse and jog/run into the building. I wobble a few times but manage to get into the elevator in one piece. Behind me I can hear" Mr. Porsche" yelling after me, "Yo  Cinderella you forgot to thank your fairy godfather! First Impressions Do Count You Know!"

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