How Dare He!

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The meeting whirred away in a blur amidst pleasantries, laughter and formal handshakes. And then the bomb was dropped....... I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder but remain stoic. Garry then holds my shoulder and whirls me around.
He gives me a sympathetic smile and as if hesitating, blurts out "You are gonna share your office with Mr. Suarez!" He looks at me expectantly like I'm a ticking time bomb. And when I don't react he further explains "All the offices on our floor are occupied and since you are partners, we erm, we thought! Yes! Thought! What better way to get to know each other!"
He finishes off with a nervous chuckle;averting his eyes and wringing his hands. He looks like Santa Claus; caught in the act of stealing milk and cookies from a toddler! Literally..... Garry is the splitting image of Santa Claus ; minus the costume and protruding belly. This analogy sends me howling with laughter. Everyone turns to my direction with a weirded out look. Self consciousness kicks in making me straighten up and assume a professional expression.
But still.... Garry's face looks hilarious! He looks like he just saw a fully - grown man; in nothing but a diaper, yelling up and down the street"I believe in Cupid! " This sends me howling yet again with laughter which I try to control. I wipe away the tears seeping from the edges of my eyes and clear my throat.
" Erm Garry, can't you rather share your office with him?"I ask cautiously. "Besides, you know I'm awful at relating with strangers. What if he gets on my nerves and I cuss him out? It will tarnish this establishment's image! We wouldn't want that, right? Anyways, he's your role model right? Won't it be bliss breathing the same air, in the same room as he ?"I try to convince him in a sickening sweet voice. I even batt my eyes and jute out my bottom lip to add to the effect. I can feel his resolve crumbling. Yes! Yes! I mentally chant.
I give him my best puppy eyes. As if awoken from a trance, he shakes his head vigorously and states firmly ; "You are going to share your office with Mr. Suarez so you better go for a Human Relations class. It's either that or you share the lobby with Leah." He threatens. Garry's never talked to me like that although he is my financial guardian until I get married and can legally acquire my inheritance. He's more like a father to me. Since it's just ME, MYSELF and I. Quite frankly I adore him and his family a lot.
I nod begrudgingly and decide to get myself a steaming cup of coffee to prep me up for the day. You'll definitely be needing it! My subconscious taunts. I take the elevator leading down to the main lobby and just as it's about to close, it re-opens. In walks the jerk of the century; Francisco Suarez.
He adjusts his necktie and swaggers his way into the elevator. I can't help but roll my eyes when he poses against the shaft; his legs are crossed at the ankles , he's leaning on his left arm whilst the other hand holds his suit jacket over his right shoulder in a stylish manner and is proudly wearing an arrogant smirk. He cocks his thick well-shaped eyebrows at me in a suggestive manner and then proceeds to wiggle them.
Whilst simultaneously dragging his tongue s-l-o-w-l-y over his soft, pink bottom lip in an almost taunting manner. He then proceeds to nibble on his lips seductively and gives me a wink.
I stare at him blankly, scoff and turn away. "Whaddup officemate?" He nudges me. I just flat out ignore him. "Heeelllllooooo! Hey! I know you can heeeaarrr meeee!" He says in a sing-song tone waving his hand in front of my face. I am tempted to just grab his hand and subject him to the heinous torture of biting his fingers off in an excruciatingly slow manner whilst watching him beg his heart out. But I decide against it. No need to get his nasty blood and pathogens all over me.
Instead I give him my creepiest smile ;the one where your lips are firmly tilted up and you look slightly cross-eyed. It's intended to weird him out so he just shuts up! Trust me, it works all the time but this guy seems immune to it. He places his hands on my waist, jerks me towards him and whispers "No need to get turned on, Selehinna." Furious, I strike him hard across the face but he doesn't even flinch. He receives the slap like it's a daily ritual which I'm beginning to think it is considering his jerk of a personality. "It's Selena" I say through my clenched teeth. "And never touch me with your filthy, disease-infested hands. Ever!" I boom with a hard glare.
"I do as I please....... Touch what I want..... Chica." He drawls with a lazy smile. The ding of the elevator interrupts our stare-off and I rush out like my bum's on fire. I pour myself a steaming cup of coffee and gulp everything at a go ; not caring that the hot liquid practically scalded my buccal cavity. I'm sooo furious! Even Leah senses my foul mood and stays clear from me. I fill a second cup, gulp down half of its content and slam the mug hard on the counter. It cracks and the coffee spills. "Clean it!" I growl at a random cleaner who scurries away to grab a mop.
I storm into my office, banging the door in the process and what I saw added fuel to the flames! There sat Suarez in my office, in my swivel chair with his socks-clad feet propped up on my desk and he was spinning my clutch! Grinning like he owned the place! How dare he!

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