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Dedicated to my very first reader 😊

Upon reaching the main lobby, I contemplate kicking
Lazy Leah's shin from under the desk where she is comfortably  snoozing and snoring like a pig in heat! One can spot a thin slimy trail of drool dribbling down her sharp chin. Her ebony black hair is coiffed into a fancy braid-like knot at the nape of her neck. Her sharp features seems relaxed in her peaceful slumber. She squirms and mumbles inaudibly. That's it! The rate of incompetence in this health centre is getting more appalling by the second! I ball my first and rap it incessantly against the dark maroon mahogany desk. This startles Leah as she bolts upright in her seat;her emerald eyes looking quite disoriented. I give her a cold  glare and she sneers in defense. I then proceed to walk briskly to the Conference Room. As it is I am already shamefully late. With the best fake smile etched on my  visage , I ease myself through the door then bam!  I slam into something really hard. Or maybe someone . I lose my balance and just as I'm about topple over and land on my bum,
strong pair of arms encompass me and I am smashed into a rock-hard chest. Again. A whiff of masculine cologne hit my nostrils ;hard. The scent travels down my nasal cavity until I can almost taste it in my mouth. Did this guy dump ten tonnes of this repulsive stuff on him or what! I wrinkle my nose in disgust and try to cough discreetly so as to avoid interrupting the on-going conference. He bends and whispers hoarsely in my ear;his hot breath fanning my face "I'll catch you when you fall, Chica. No need to throw yourself at me." He gently  nibbles on my ear and I scramble quickly out of his grasp. I can feel my face heating up ;mainly out of fury. Let's  not get any ideas! I smoothen my skirt, clear my throat and apologize for the raucous I caused as well as my apparent tardiness. The chairperson answers with a curt nod  and continues with his speech whilst the others chuckle ;seemingly amused at seeing me flustered for the very first time ;much in contrast to my usual composed demeanor. Even Garry lets out a hearty laugh much to my chagrin. It then occurs to me that I haven't really taken a good look at my "gallant knight in shining armour." I turn and meet the smirking face of Mr. Fairy Godfather. "Thanks a  lot Karma!" I murmur exasperatedly, slumping into the seat next to Garry. As if Karma hasn't done enough harm, Mr. Fairy Godfather thinks it's the best idea of the  century to sit right beside me! I cast him a sidelong glare but he appears unperturbed and rather flashes me a pearly-white smile whilst waving frantically in my face like an elf on Crack! I grit my teeth and angle my body away from him. He inches closer; acting like it's the most natural thing to do . I shift further away and he practically invades my breathing space. I keep on moving away until I am   pratically sitting in Garry's lap. He abruptly turns ; his face flustered. He clears his throat and motions for me to scoot away. I quickly apologize and settle in my seat quietly. I hear a deep chuckle beside  me and I don't even bother to turn. "Looks like Fate keeps bringing us together, huh? Senorita." He drawls ;clicking his tongue. Was that supposed to be seductive? He sounded like a dying frog for crying out loud! I just raise an eyebrow at this and divert my rapt attention to the speaker. I think his name is Dr. Robert or Robin but I'm certain it starts with an "R". He is the General Overseer for the main branch in Miami. If only I can convince him to transfer me from Purgatory as I call this place. Hmm... I must strategize a foolproof plan since last month's plan turned out a fiasco! After he's done with his speech which I caught absolutely nothing from, he asks for any suggestions and I immediately put my hand up. Everyone sighs animatedly; causing me to narrow my eyes in annoyance. So maybe I have gained a reputation for constantly asking for a transfer in every single meeting but who can blame me? Working with these nasty, conniving creatures =Working with Diablo himself alongside his evil maniacs aka demons = PURGATORY! Dr. R rubs his chin in an agitated manner and sighs loudly."Miss Gordon if this is about that transfer you've been whining about I'll have to refuse... Again....For lack of salient reasons as to why you are in dire need of a transfer. " He says gruffly. I can barely see his lips moving beneath that thick, graying mustache of his! I  narrow my eyes to slits and just as I'm about to lash out at him he continues ; " Besides, with a partner like Mr. Suarez ; a world - classed cardiologist, I must add, I don't see any problem here!"   He exclaims ; like it's the most outrageous thing he ever heard! Like partnering with some world -  classed cardiologist is the best thing that ever happened in my life! Yay! Let's go get a leprechaun to fart out candies and rainbows! Come to think of it, who is this Suarez dude? I might have voiced out my thoughts because I am immediately whirled around to face Mr. Fairy godfather. This action nearly knocks me off my feet but I'm caught immediately by Suarez. He places his large slightly rough hands on my curved hips to steady me. Warmth spreads from his hand onto my fabric - clad thighs and I shudder involuntarily. "I'll catch you when you fall, Chica ; I'll catch you when you fall."  His words echo softly in my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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