Looking Around & Finding You

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                    ~ Hank's P.o.V. ~

I was still alone in the Rehab Pool area, waiting to see if (Y/n) would come back or not.

I REALLY wanted to get out of this small tank and go look around the Marine Institute, but I also REALLY didn't want to get caught too.

But, sadly my curiosity got the better of me and I ended up leaving the solitude of my small tank and going to explore.

While I was looking around, I decided to go look for a map to see if I could go find (Y/n), since I knew where (she/he) was going to be at and that was the Open Ocean exhibit.

Once I found a map of the place, I pin point the location of the Open Ocean and I immediately started making my way over there while also trying not to get caught during the process.

                      ~ Time Skip ~

When I finally got to the exhibit, I saw that (Y/n) was in the tank with some kind of gear on, swimming around with some colorful fish.

At that time, (Y/n) looked absolutely gorgeous due to the fact that (his/her) (H/L) (H/C) hair was flowing through the water and their figure looked breath taking in that weird looking suit that they were wearing.

I then started climbing up on the stuff that was hanging from the ceiling above the giant tank then I jumped in so I could have a closer look at the beauty in the water.

                      ~ Your P.o.V ~

I was having fun swimming around in the Open Ocean exhibit due to the fact that there were a bunch of fish coming up to greet me and nibble on my fingers which tickled a lot, but then I heard something that sounded like a splash, so I started looking up to see if there was another person wanting to come swim around for a bit, but I ended up seeing nothing so I went back to paying attention to the fish but...they were gone.

'That's weird, what scared them away?'

So I started swimming around to see if I could find anything but there was nothing, until I saw this orange octopus with blue eyes watching me from the distance.

The octopus had a surprised look on its face as if he or she were caught trying to steal a cookie from a cookie jar.

I then started making my way towards it, to see if I could have a closer look at it. But it ended up swimming away from me and going back up to the surface.

'Was that the octopus that...hitched a ride on that truck??', you thought to yourself as you just stood there, in complete shock.

'I wonder if I'll run into him or her again', as you started swimming back up to the surface, hoping to see the octopus again.

(So, that was chapter 6 you guys! What do you guys think so far? Is it good? Let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys later! Peace! :D)


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