Ay Dios Mio!!!!

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" Mi querida hermana querida querida, oh he echado mucho,"  My sister cries while hugging me.(My dear dear dear sister oh I have missed you)

"Hola mi hermana, como estas?"  I replied.

It's been two hours since I have landed and I am in my sister's condo where she lives with her mafia members and in the condo next door which is on the same property and is only separated by a wall. But the head group of the mafia who my sister has teamed up with, Musculos, lives in her condo while the rest lives in the other one.

"Diego, please show mi hermanita to her dormitorio,"  My sister asked

" Not a problem," He says with a smile on his face.

If you don't remember Diego was the one who followed me in the ally when I was back in Massachusettes. So the sexy af boy who is right now shirtless, is showing me to my room. I am right now trying my best to fawn over his sexy body but it is really difficult.

"Aduladora sobre mi cuerpo veo," He says

" En tus sueños," I reply

A/N- Hey guys I have a challenge for you every sentence or word I put in Spanish I want you to translate it to English in the comments.


" Do your dreams have me in it," He questions

" Are you always this arrogant," I say

"Si ,mi princesa," He replies

Now at that moment I just freeze and feel like a panic attack is coming on. I absolutely hate that nickname. The boy who I thought was my first love called me that.

" Mercedes, Mercedes, Estás bien mi amor?," he yells while shaking me lightly.

I finally snap out and reply saying " Yea, I'm okay, just do me a favor and not call me that again please?",

"No problem, I won't"

" Thanks,"

"Cualquier cosa por ti mi amor ," he replies with the sexy Spanish voice

Get it together, Mer

"Anyways, here is your room, your friends room is to the right and I am to the left and also kind of share a bathroom," He says.

"No problem," I say.

My sister yells from in the middle of the living room, "¿Pueden todos venir abajo por favor? y algunas necesidades para romper aparte los tortolitos arriba,"

"I got it," I yell

I walk to my two friends bedroom and while I am opening the door while saying, "Hey guys Miracle is calling everyone down.... AHHHHH!!!" And I slam back the door. I knew they were active but i didn't know to that measure. I can't even describe what I just saw but all I knew was that I was surely scarred for life.

"Ya sabes lo que me refería. Pero por alguna razón no saben lo que un bloqueo es, " My sister says while looking at me with pity in her face.


"This is the life I am going to get myself into basically," I sigh out

"Correctemente, " She says

So just I was informed about why my sister called me to Argentina, why she asked Musculos to join her and why my entire life is at risk.

So the jist of it is that Rosas mortales owns a whole piece of land in Mexico and Argentina and late last year they sent a notice out to other mafias that they want to split the land in half and they will own one half and someone else will own the other half. And Musculos accepted to take one half in Mexico and the rival mafia Mundo mortal accepted the other half in Argentina. But as many people would do Mundo mortal leader Tatiana realised that one half of land brought her in a lot of money and since money makes you go crazy she wanted both pieces of land so she could get more money. But my sister got those two pieces of land from her best friend who was killed by Tatiana so she was never going to give up that piece of land as long as she lived. So Tatiana declared war and apparently the club I worked at the owner of that club worked for Tatiana and of course we Romanos have this death protector that switches on whenever we or family is threatened and my sister's own went to a million and one so that is the entire reason why I am here.

"¿Estás listo para esta guerra hermanita?," my sister says.

"Yep, got my battle gear on," I say

"Okay now let's start your training...." one of the guys says with a smile but my sister cuts him off

"She doesn't need training. And to prove it Diego come please?" My sister says with confidence in her voice.

Diego walks towards me and aims a gun at my head. And I know exactly what to do.

El truco de arma

This is something my sister taught me before she left. So i won't say how to do it but I pictured myself in a situation when I could it and I did it like a bawse and kicked him hard enough for him to lose balance and fall. And everyone just looked at me with complete awe. My sister high fives me and looks at me with a sense of pride.


I wake up in the middle of the night and I check the time and it's like 1am so I decided I will listen to some music and scroll through my social media so I am looking for my headphones and it's not in my room so I think who will take my headphones. My sister. So I walk quietly to her room and open her door and sneak through her room because if she wakes up I will never hear the end of this. And I will like to keep my name as the Angel in the house. So when I find them and pick them up someone has me in a headlock and the person says

"¿Que haces? ,"

"Encontrar mis auriculares, Javier" I say.

Javier is my sister's boyfriend who she has been with her for this entire mafia experience. He's like a brother to me but just like my sister who is so paranoid that he forces my sister to sleep with a gun by her pillow a knife on her nightstand and a  tazor underneath the bed. Like bro chill, I don't know who will be so stupid to break into a mafia leader's house because you are basically asking to be killed.

" Oh sorry, Mer," he apologises

" No prob good night," I say

And I walk out of the room and find a worried Diego.

"Ay Dios Mio!  ¿ Estas bien?," he says

Oh great now I have to deal with two paranoid souls this is going to be a long night.


Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter if it's kind of crappy sorry trying to come up with some ideas.

Next challenge if I reach 100 reads by the time school opens then I will have a fan made chapter so




Take care


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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