Chapter 3 - Almost There

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Author's Note: Nothing much to say here but... thanks for reading this far! Also special thanks to @YrooXrksvi for editing again :3

Chapter 3

Almost there

"Om." Travis voiced as he brought another spoon of strawberry ice cream to his mouth, letting it melt in his mouth a little before chewing softly and swallowing it.

He sighed. He was here - in the right dimension. How did he get here? Connections. Had a friend smuggle him in. Sure it's illegal but wouldn't you do the same to find your long lost brother? 'Heh...~'

This was where his brother was according to his sources. He still couldn't believe that his brother was still alive... Still out there... Boy, he'd love to hear the explanation for all this... For all he's done...


He looked up, spotting the irregular pentagon entering the ice cream parlor. That must be the informant he had called up; an ally of Cipher, indeed, but hardly as violent and reckless as the latter. In fact, he had heard he was kind. Which was weird. Since Bill normally made friends with destructive, psychotic murderers who care nothing about anyone. But... That's basically all he knew about him.

He tipped his hat down to cover his face and cleared his throat, catching the other's attention.

The blue pentagon turned his head and saw someone with their hat covering their face. He trembled nervously, suspecting it was the man who had called him. He sat down on the barstool next to him and looked down, playing with his vest. He hesitated... then spoke. "Y-You're Travis, right...?" He squeaked, looking at the other shape. He then quickly averted his eye away, tapping the table with his finger nervously.

Travis looked up a little and eyed the other. "... Thompson Jacobs...?" He smirked slightly.

Thompson nodded slowly. "Mhm." He entwined his own two hands together and set them on the table, looking at Travis.

The hexagon sighed in relief. "I was wondering when you'd come... Sorry if the... meeting place bothers you. Hehe...~". It was an ice cream parlor after all... "Would you like something? Order anything you want. My treat." He continued.

"O-Oh no thank you..." Thompson mumbled, looking up at the menu. "O-On second thought..." He stammered as soon as he spotted frozen yogurt. "... maybe... a-a tart flavored frozen yogurt?" The pentagon giggled, sweating nervously.

Travis nodded and ordered the yogurt.

"S-so... you wanted to ask me about Bill...?" Thompson said after clearing his throat, his eye not resting on the other demon.

"Yes..." Travis replied. "But... let's not make this just a stupid formal meet up for business. Let's enjoy it a little, love!" he smiled. "How've you been, hmmh?"

"G-good I guess..." Thompson had a little tint of a yellow orange blush across his face as he continued to stare away from him. "J-Just enjoying Bill... and h-his ways of life..."

'Enjoy...? His ways of life?... That's not something you'd expect to hear in one sentence...'. "Heh..." He chuckled, nevertheless. "You hang around this Bill fella a lot, don't ya...?"

Thompson blushed more. "Y-Yes..." he said, his legs trembling in his seat.

The frozen yogurt was then served in front of Thompson by one of the waiters.

Travis smirked. "Ya got a thing for him, don't ya?"

"W-What...?! U-Uh... m-me- a-ah...!" He blushed, trembling and covering his face.

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