The ship.

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I put extensions into my hair so people wouldn't recognize that i was an assassin, after all, people knew what my family looked like.

I put my backpack aside and breathed in the fresh ocean sent. 

It was lovely.

Staring into the blue sea, i was feeling lonely. Why was i lonely? I mean, i've been on this ship for awhile, and no body was ever around me anyway.. And then it hit me, just like a brick.

I missed my cat.

I quickly reached down into my pocket to grab my phone.

I opened up the lock screen and called my "mother" as fast as possible.

Ring... Ring... Ring... 

"Ah! Y/N! You have finally called me! What do you need?" Your mother answered.

"Send me my cat please". I asked as if it was a demand.

"That vermin! Fine! But only if you're going to do extra work when you get home".

"Whatever, i don't care, just send me my cat".

"Alright, Alright. Bye." 

I clicked the "End Call" button without bothering to say goodbye, i've always hated my mother anyways.

And with that, i put my phone away and waited about twenty minutes until a bird showed up carrying a box, most likely with my cat in it.

The bird swopped down and dropped the box in my lap before taking off again.

I looked down at the box, opening it with a bubbly feeling, excited to see the only living thing i truly loved.

To be dead.

My cat..

Was dead.

Mr. Point was cut in half, and stuffed into a plastic bag so blood wouldn't escape the box.

On the bag had a pink sticky note that read, "Hehe! Silly Y/N! Do you really think i'd send something with a soul to you? Haha! Y/N, real funny!".

Once again, i was alone.

The only thing i've ever truly loved, was un-living... right before my eyes.

I took Mr. Point out of the bag and decorated the box with some markers i brought along in my backpack. I took my only pillow and laid it down in the box, then carefully placed Mr. Point on top of it.

I closed the box and dropped it in the water, leaving it behind.

"Meet me in the afterlife, Point".

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