Where everything started to change
“Mel, come on! It’s Friday, can’t you postpone your internship just this once?” Lou demanded. She’s such a stubborn and demanding little girl! I guess that’s why I love my best friend. The two of us were sitting at our favorite place, the stairs just in front of the library doors. What? We like it here.
“I can’t Lou, I need to actually attend this one because guess what?” I widened my eyes waiting for her reply. I was so eager to tell her.
“What?! Nothing is better than hanging out with the other guys. Please Meeeelll?!”
“I really can’t Lou, because I have to go with Janice tomorrow. She’s going to take me to her interview with some famous dudes. I still don’t know who they are yet. Janice isn’t giving me any clues.” She really didn’t, but I don’t care, as long as they’re famous right? I’m going to see famous guys and actually listen to an interview. From high school newspaper Managing Editor to Editor-in-Chief of a local newspaper, I know! I’m so close!
“Oh I wish you’ll get to see One Direction! They are like the five most wonderful guys with angelic voices ever.” Lou eyed me with wide sparkling green orbs. She was too excited just by talking about them.
“Eeeehhh??? Are you kidding? You’re really hoping that they’re the interviewees?”
“I mean, yeah! Why not? They’re like the most talked about celebrities in the internet!”
“Don’t you mean pop superstars? They’re not celebrities, Lou.” I said with full sarcasm. I’m not too excited by the idea of having to listen to their interviews, but they’re a handsome five-some though.
“Can I come with you tomorrow? Please? Please! Please! I won’t take no for an answer.” She crossed her arms like a five-year-old. Demanding as ever. My patience with this best friend has gotten a lot bigger and longer.
“If that happens, I can’t let you miss that opportunity, can I? So Lou, will you come with me tomorrow? I mean, what if One Direction is really the guys Janice will be talking to, right?” I fake pleaded with all the fake puppy dog eyes and stuff. Hey, that’s what friends are for.
“Okay! It’s settled then! We better get going. You’re coming with me! I’ll let you borrow some clothes and make up; I won’t let you embarrass yourself in front of One Direction.”
“So, no hanging out with the other guys then?” I tried to discourage her from coming with me, but…
“Oh, I forgot about them. Haha. Just this once, Mel, I can’t miss meeting up with One Direction, over my dead gorgeous body.”
“But we’re not even sure we’re going to meet them.” I tried to discourage him once again. But no. I should’ve known better.
She was too girly also. I guess I’m used to it. I’m not at all like her, “over my dead gorgeous body,” that’s what I would say, in the wise words of my unpredictable best friend. I guess opposites do attract. We were like best friends since we were diaper wearing beautiful creatures. Well, until now she’s still in an imaginary diaper, I blame her ‘generous’ parents; so I took the big sister slash best friend role. Some of us have to be mature some times. I can take the live-while-we’re-young-party-girl role when in dire need.
“You are too conceited sometimes.” I said matter-of-factly, while resisting her strong yank on my arms. She had the right to be. With her perfect blonde hair, and piercing green eyes, she’s a looker. She even has the body to fit the role. And I’m the girl standing next to her. I’m not jealous or anything, I rather not be surrounded by jerks and meathead jocks who are only interested in my boobies. No, not me! You know the movie, The Hottie And The Nottie? Well, it’s like that. I don’t even care what I look like. If you’d describe me, the perfect word would be atrocious. What? Can I not compliment myself?