You sick Fool (Ja'far x reader)

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"Hey,Ja'far. Is'far, get up.." you whisper to the man who is sleep, on his desk. With an ink stain on his cheek and breath ragged.

You sigh and gently nudge him, you think he says something before your met with cruel gray eyes. You fall backwards on your butt with a squeak. He just groans and turns away from you, knocking down a scroll that knocks over paper. You quickly stand attempting to stop the domino effect going on around his desk. You catch the scrolls that threatened to roll off and stacked the paper back into its original placement. After the commotion Ja'far opens his eyes again, this time they are bloodshot.

"Ja'far? Are you alright?" You place your hand on his forhead, He's running a fever, and by how it felt a bad one. "Ja'far why do you insist of working so hard? You're the only who can get Sinbad to work, maybe he can lighten the load."

You begin to pull on him but fail miserably. Not only are you small, but Ja'far is a lot heavier then he appears.You set it him back down gently against the table. You step out of his office and look for Masrur, you run around the white Aries tower and realize Masrur is most likely in the training grounds, you head there you find him.

"Masrur! Oh, thank the heaves I found you! I need help with Ja'far." You pant while getting your breath, the White Aries tower is not a small place neither is the run over to the training grounds.

"Lead the way." He usually sounds distant yet calm. But now he sounds concerned.

You walk quickly occasionally breaking to a sprint, well as fast as your robes allowed. Once you reach Ja'far's office in the White Aries Tower, his keffiyeh is off, strewn on the floor and his hair is uncontrollable. Masrur lifts Ja'far easily, he gestures for you to follow them, you all walk to the Purple Leo Tower, it's restricted to the eight generals, Sinbad and a limited few including you as you have no family in Sindria and because you are the personal assistant to Ja'far. Masrur leads you to Ja'far's room and he opens the door, laying Ja'far on his bed gently.

"Thank you so much Masrur." You smile at him warmly.

"Think nothing of it." He walks out after checking in Ja'far one last time.

You check Ja'far's fever again. Deciding the best course of action now is reporting to Sinbad, you do that quickly. He promises to do the majority of his work in a timely fashion. Sinbad also tasks you with looking after Ja'far for the rest of the day. You thank him and walk to the cooks of the Purple Leo Tower. Who gladly make a soup, they said Ja'far taught them how to make some extravagant food, you smile. He works so hard but all for the people, he is truly a wonderful person you think to yourself with a giggle. You take the soup to Ja'far's room when you open the door, he is sitting up right and is hastily signing things.

"Ja'far! Lay in bed immediately!" You scold him quickly.

"But (your name) if I don't do it..Sin won' no one will.." He trails off, you take the scrolls from him, much to his disliking and you lay him on the bed.

"I will after your done eating alright? And I already told Sinbad over your little sick day, he said he'd promises to do work today. If that makes you feel better." You set the soup down and adjust the pillows under Ja'far, so he is somewhat up right and enough so he can eat.

"(Yourname), you got Sinbad to do work..?" His voice is strained, almost anguished."(Your name) thank you. You're a wonderful assistant." You look at him and he's crying. You've never seen him cry, but he's crying infront of you like a child.

"J-Ja'far! Don't cry. Its nothing. Please don't cry.." You rush to comfort him and he just cries quietly in your chest as you hold him.

Once he calms down you decide he should eat." Ja'far, I have some soup. You should eat it."

"(Your name)..Will, will you feed me?" You look at him again, Ja'far is like a small child. Helpless yet adorable.

You smile." Of course." You use the spoon and bring the soup to your lips, blowing gently and brining it to Ja'far who eats it quietly.

You both continue like this until he finishes the soup. You check his forhead an this fever has gone down. You lay him on his bed and pull the covers up to his chest.

"Do you need anything else, Ja'far?" You stroke his unruly hair.

"Y-yes, (your name) can, can I use your lap as a pillow, please?" His voice is quiet with a pleading childlike nature. You smile.

"Of course." You kiss his forehead and help him adjust to you on his bed.

"Thank you." He smiles, and lays his head on your lap and you rest against some pillows and the head board.

You watch him sleep for abit, he won't be up for a while so you decide to sleep as well.
When you where sleeping, Masrur had come to check on Ja'far, but left when he saw you too. He came back with Sinbad, Hinahoho and Spartos. They all laugh, somehow Ja'far had moved to holding you like a child holds a stuffed toy, and you had your legs thrown across his waist. They hinted it at when ever they wanted favors done. You and Ja'far, could never really leave the night be so you both decided to become a couple, much to everyone's likening.

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