This is me.

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My sexuality defies nature.
My hair defies gravity.
My mindset rebels against normalcy, and I don't know how to be anything but alien.
I don't know how to be accepted, and I don't know how to be loved, yet I demand respect, nonetheless.
I was not born for your comprehension, and I never did quite answer for one's approval.
My voice is a cause for war in my daily life, as I fight to remember who I am.
I have every right to follow my intuition, and an exclusive entitlement to be human, with my own universe evolving behind my eyes.
I also have an entitlement to silence, and choosing not to explain myself where I see fit.
Should I care if this angers you? Maybe, but my apathy hinders this ability, sort of like your ignorance hindering your listening.
You cannot define a mystery, and you cannot categorize anything that you fail to understand.
I belong to no one. I don't belong to your expectations, your judgements, your false concerns or feelings.
Your pressing curiosity has no designated prerogative to who I am, and you have no control over who I am meant to be.
Your harshness cannot change me, and your impatience cannot move me.
I am, and will always be, just out of your realm of cognition, and for that, you may never forget me.

This is meWhere stories live. Discover now