Chapter 8 - The Cleansing

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“This power……it can’t be! You’re suppose to be dead millenniums ago!”


Hordes of Angels with spears and swords charged at Leon. Their weapons glowed brightly. Their lances imbued with aura, pierces Leon’s body.

Their weapons started to slide back out of Leon and shot back at their owners, piercing their body in return.

“Gah!” an angel exclaimed, spewing blood from his mouth, “impossible!”. Trying to pull his spear from his abdomen. He returned his sight to where Leon was standing but Leon vanished.


A barrage of Angels vaporised in a blink of an eye.


Leon dodges the slashes and thrusts of the surrounding angels, taking one down after another.

Orius’s snuck in a mighty blow, hurling Leon through buildings. A violet spiritual claw like arm came spiralling into the air, digging into the shoulder of Orius. 

The other angels chopped the violet claw in half. The claw fades away.

With lightning speeds, Leon lunges Orius through the air into the stratosphere. 

Orius, jabs the end of his mallet in the rib of Leon. Leon return him with a punch to his face. They continue to exchange blow for blow, sending shockwaves through the air, moving at lightning speeds naked to the mortal eyes.




The two sent each other flying through the air. They huff and puffed, unwilling to give up despite blood leaking out of their bodies. Their clothes, all torn and ragged, armours dented.


They charge at Korinna, Pantheras and the other demons who are fatally injured.

Leon blinks to their location, slaying a number of them and continuing to fight the rest off.

SHING! The sound of a sword piercing Leon’s abdomen.


“Now die quietly fool!” Orius snarls at Leon face to face.

Leon spews blood from his mouth. Clenching his bloody hand on the sword, motionlessly.

Everyone stopped for a brief moment.

Then all of a sudden, Leon digs his claw hands into Orius’s skull. 


Orius swivels the sword in Leon’s belly back and forth, trying to shake Leon off. Leon clenches tightly, refusing to let go. He rips Orius’s head off with his spine in tact. Orius’s hands dangled and his remaining body slowly collapsed to the ground, pouring out blood. His head dripped blood from the tip of the spine.


The remaining angels charged in, without caring for their lives.

“ENOUGH!” the sky echoed.

Everybody looked to the sky.

A surge of light beamed down and ripped through the dark clouds. Lightning crackled and chirped.

The angels began to kneel like loyal knights.

This god appeared to be holding a spear of lightning.

“Almighty Zeus, this foul demon has committed heinous acts, he must be vanquished!”

“He has even taken Orius’s”


Leon legs began to gave in, he too collapsed. His demonic aura vanished. The sky started to clear.

“LEON!” Phoebe cried, rushing to Leon’s side and holding him in her arms.

Leon gently stroked Phoebe’s face with his blood stained hand.

“I’m sorry Phoebe…..”

“Don’t say anything Leon. Just….don’t say anything”. Her tears kept flowing down her cheeks.

She squeezed her cheeks against his.

“I won’t be able to protect you from now on. Take good care of yourself OK?”.

Phoebe shook her head in disapproval. “NO! You can’t leave me like this, YOU CAN’T YOU CAN’T!”

His body begins to fade into particles of spiritual energy. With his last ounce of energy, Leon raises his hand towards Tristan and Sarah, giving them the fist gesture.

Tristan reciprocate the fist gesture. Sarah burry her face in Tristan chest, unwilling to accept the reality. She wept and clutched Tristan’s clothes tightly.

Like dandelions, Leon faded with the wind. Phoebe grabs thin air frantically, in a futile attempt to keep Leon from disappearing.

Zeus gestured his spear, a circle surrounds the angels. Then a burst of light beam surged down from the sky. A flash of light sucked away the remaining angels back to Heaven.

Tristan and Sarah gently placed their hands on Phoebe who lay there motionlessly, her head hangs loosely over her torso, her hairs dripping wet, soaked with her tears scattered on the ground.

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