spin-off : I.M

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"Enter Your Heart"

• Aira's pov •

I was waiting for I.M in the lobby of my apartment. I don't know why I'm nervous, I can assure you it's not because I'm going to the opening night. I saw his car parked nearby and he get out of the car. Damn he looked so fine with his body fitted suit and his hair perfectly styled. I swear it felt like slow motion.

"God Aira, you look stunning", my heart started beating very loudly I almost feel like he can hear it.

"You too look handsome sir", I bowed like a princess as he chuckled.

We got in the car and I usually joked around with him but both of us just kept quiet. Changkyun tried to talk about something but it always led to a dead end. It's not like I'm embarrassed or anything pft no.

• I.M's pov •

I won't lie but my hands keep sweating like crazy and my lips just can't utter any words. I mean Aira looked so stunning. I admit I was a little bit sad about Hyungwon's plan to propose to her. Pft who am I kidding? I was wholeheartedly upset. But I won't interrupt because I knew how much they love each other. My feelings wasn't even supposed to exist in the first place.

"Where did you buy that dress?", I initiated a conversation

"Oh my parents bought it for me as a present. Why?"

"Oh nothing, it looked great on you", I cleared my throat as she thanked me.

It's dead silent again... Aira usually talked a lot but she kept staring at the window.

That's when I noticed the gas is almost empty.

•Aira's pov •

"Oh no", he nervously chuckled as I looked over at him

"What's wrong?", he looked over at me with worried look

"I think we ran out of gas", he sighed as I burst out laughing

"Why are you laughing?", he chuckled as he pulled over the car to the side.

"We're running out of gas in the middle of a freeway far from a gas station wearing a formal
attire", I held in my laughter when Changkyun finally understood and laughed

"I know I know it's stupid right", he turned off the engine and get out of the car, he then opened the door for me.

"It's called bad luck, silly", I leaned against the car door as he checked the engine.

"I swear I just filled up the gas", he pouted while I helped to check what's wrong when I noticed drips of oil from under the car

"Aha! Here's your problem", I pointed at the leak.

He nodded and dialed a number, apparently the repair guy.

"Yeah, I need someone to come here as soon as possible", I tried to read his face but it's really hard.

"What?! 45 minutes?!", he paced back and forth, argue some more with the guy on the line and finally hanged up

"The repair guy will be here in around 45 minutes. I can't believe this", he shook his head and lean against the car next to me

"It's okay. I don't mind waiting a bit", I nudged his arms playfully

"If by a bit you mean almost an hour, you sure are weird. We're stuck in the middle of freeway wearing formal attire", we both looked at each other and laughed

Mission : Seduce Chae Hyungwon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now