Chapter 3

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No banners waved in this crowd, this army of slaves. Many of their number where on the edge of hollowing, and others newly imprisoned. They stood, facing the ever growing glow on the horizon, not knowing the threat that they have been brought to face, equipped with nothing more than hardened leather and farmers tools. A hundred city guards, dressed in black plate armour, armed with their Kingdoms finer steel swords and shields, watched over this weary army. Their they all stand, guard and slave alike in an army of a thousand, awaiting whatever came their way...

Almost there... Erhardt reminded himself, driving himself past the fact he was exhausted after such a long climb to the cliff watching over the great plain of dust, the dim light of the world was more than enough to make his hike easier.

Praise the sun... I most likely would have fallen by now without it... He thought thankfully. He finally made it to the edge of the mountains cliff, climbing high up its face to reach it as fast as he could.

My god, look at that! He said in silence, taken away by the massive army gathered down below, but even more so, by the view that took away what breath he had left. A landscape with rolling mountains stood around the once mighty Catarina, at their feet stood ancient forests with dead, spreading branches reaching away and skyward from their trunks, the forest continued to sprawl eastward towards even more dead forestation.

"Beautiful, absolutely beautiful! Haha!" Erhardt exclaimed happily, a hearty feeling swelled in his chest, although sprouted right next to the fully set in grief of losing a long time friend and father figure. The knight stood amongst the snow proudly in his onion like armour, with his zwiehänder in its sheathe on his back, and his piercing shield slung next to it.

I think I'll have a nap... Erhardt reasoned, looking out over the horizon to his right, seeing the orange light below the dim eclipse was still awhile out. Or so he thought.

I wonder what it looks like? Is it purely fire and ash? No, that's preposterous, it has to have some sort of form... He asked himself curiously, pondering a question to loll himself to sleep.


The dead forest that never stirred, sitting in silence as the abyss crept through it, nor creaked and crackled as fire came to touch it's arid bark, whilst the rain falling from above stood no chance at ever putting out the roaring fire. The forest burned, so wildly out of control, and in its centre ran the ancient defender of The First Flame, the Soul of Cinder, whom's every step in the scattered ponds of rainwater brought more heat and flame. In the field not far from the mighty knight, stood the now petrified army of slaves and prisoners, ankle deep in mud and water, caught in awe of the burning woods. Whilst all the city guards stood fast and felt no fear of what was coming their way.

"Stand your ground! Or face hollowing you curs!" The Commanding Guard shouted, his voice bellowing far above the crackling wood and heavy rain. The army began to speak in hushed prayers, trying to gain some sort of bravery through them. The knight now had slown down to a walk at the edge of the forest, seeing the lines of torches lit in the massive army before it.

"A army? How quaint." Many voices taunted in the burning expanse, all in unity as usual.

"I don't know, it seems like quite an army." Another voice spoke, it's dull golden hues shining throughout the expanse all the while.

"Nothing any of us have never toppled..." A new voice spoke, the flames of the expanse burned with it's forgotten goal, of familiar things the voice once knew, but had now lost.

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