Chapter 5

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I just realized I didn't introduce the character of Hanna... Oops! 😂 anyway. Hanna would be the girl who threatened, Monica.
Monica Mendoza

I woke up to the sound of metal clanking in the middle of the night. I slowly got up from my bed and went into my mom's room, to my horror, she was there. I went to get my bat from under my bed, and slowly made my way down stairs.

It was extremly dark that night, I couldn't see the stairs in front of me. Once I got to the kitchen I strengthened my grip on the bat. I could on see a beam of light coming from the kitchen, I assumed it was a flashlight. I tripped on a pot, which made a huge amount of commotion.

The beam was shone in my face and I was just paralyzed, my mind flooded with thoughts of what could happen to me.

"Are you OK?" Said a familiar voice. "Yes I'm fine, what the hell are you doing in my kitchen?" I asked the blushing boy that stood in the center of my kitchen.

"Well you see I had a few friends over at my house, one of my friends said we should play truth or dare." He explained. "I'm guessing your dare was to scare the shit out of the girl next door?" I asked. "Pretty much." He answered.

I got my shoes, which were at the door. "Well, I wanna meet these 'friends' of yours." I said. "At this time? Won't your mum be mad?" He asked. "She's asleep." I answered. "Alright." He said as we stepped out into the crisp fall night.

Once we got to his house, he lead up to his room. There was 3 boys there, one had pink hair, the other was blonde with blue eyes, the last one had curly hair.

"Guys this Monica. Monica, that is Michael, Luke, and Ashton." He said pointing to each of the boys. Then they stood up and shook my hand such gentlemen I thought.

"So your in a band?" I asked Calum. "Uh yeah, we suck but you knows it fun." He answered. "You don't suck! Your pretty good, well as good as four teenagers go." I said.

"Thanks" he answers. The rest of the night went by with me talking about my life, and the boys giggling and laughing at some of the parts of my background. A few hours later, I started to yawn.

"Well I guess I'll be headed home now." I said while standing up. "I'll walk you." Calum responded. Once at home I went up to my room and fell into a deep sleep.


I is back. Before anything, I want to apologize for not updating frequently. School started 4 weeks ago and it has been chaotic. I joined the swim team, and tryouts were on the first week off school. I made the team so I have to wake up at 4 in the morning for morning runs. Practice is everyday after school and ends at six. Then I come home, eat do homework and sleep. The weekends have been haunted by church events, I'm surprised I have the day off today :/. Also some of the events in the book will be based on events in my life (for example swim team).

Anyhow, hope you enjoyed this crappy chapter!

Comment here if you wanna sponsor the next time skip. -------------->

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