These are the general thoughts of Blaise Therese Bellosillo about Saudi and Israel's poetry.
....on Israel's Poetry
As I have observed from the two poems, they have the same aspect - religion. There is the God who they cry out to, and amidst all the sufferings they experienced they seem to trust in Him and ask for help.
Literature indeed reflects on one country's beliefs. If they have such a strong one, it is right to make it known through literature.
....on Saudi's Poetry
From the two poems before, Saudi's poetry seem to shout out the word SOCIETY.
The Ambush, which talks about the terrorists spreading fear throughout the community, and Gentleness Stirred, which talks about a woman betraying their tradition, and how society seems to respond to it.
I apologize if there are any typographical and grammatical errors.
I do not own the contents of this chapter for these are the insights of Blaise Therese Bellosillo (my classmate).

Of Thoughts and Insights
PoetryJust random thoughts of some middle school students about Saudi and Israel's poetry. [This book is also available at ynnabanana25's account...]