Antonio Miguel Frias

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  • Dedicated to Miguel C. Frias

These are the insight of Antonio Miguel Frias about the poem entitled "From Flames to Heaven"


The people are asking for the help of the one who build the Jerusalem, their God. Whom they did not see nor even touch but believe in its existence. They are asking God to redeem them and save them from being exiled, asking Him to rebuild the nation, a nation that He once build with peace, order, unity and full of faith with God. But now it’s a nation that is suffering from pain, the nation that God placed in our hearts. No one knows the distance between the people and God, but we know that he can hear us and listen to our prayers. And grant the wish of the people, to have peace and harmony to the people in his nation.


I apologize if there are any typographical and grammatical errors.


I do not own the contents of this chapter for these are the insights of Antonio Miguel Frias (my classmate). 

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