Sharon Irene Catindig

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  • Dedicated to Sharon Irene Catindig

hese are the thoughts of Sharon Irene Catindig about the poems entitled: "After the Marketplace Bombing" and "From Flames to Heaven".


After the Marketplace Bombing:

I think this poem is about “renewal”, “strength” and “freedom”. I think the author wants to remind us that we need to be strong and shutter fears with sweet recall. We need to have unity or to be united for us to have a peaceful country. And, we need to communicate to each one for us to know others’ condition. Lastly, we need to have faith and trust God as we rise to affirm our glory.

From Flames to Heaven:

This poem is about the people in Jerusalem who are asking to rebuild their nation and refill it with peace and unity. They are asking their God to save them from being exiled. They want their God to reassemble their city and renew people in its harmony.


I apologize if there are any typographical and grammatical errors.


I do not own the contents of this chapter for these are the insights of Sharon Irene Catindig (my classmate).

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