So he dmed her and she drove five hours just to see him? First of all he has a lot of messages from a lot of fans so how did he randomly run across her account? And secondly she's just a fan and u let her come and sleep next to you? Like I said I don't believe that Kian is a fuckboy but he had to want a late night FUCK OR BLOWJOB OR SOMETHING. AND THEN HE WEARS A BANDANA AROUND HIS NECK? At first I thought that he was trying to be like Jc but then I,thought about it. Nooo he never wears bandanas around his neck and it doesn't even look right. Kian u are a grown ass man so why should u have to hide your damn hickeys? but about this girl I feel like she wants attention. Why did u decide to record him when he was sleeping? Why couldn't u do the shit when he was awake?? She tried to be sneaky . Kian needs to be careful because shit like that is dangerous. U knew her for two days and u already got her sleeping next to u? Oh ight bro
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