*people might call me shady too , I am never serious half of the time but when I am I do have a good reason behind it , It's not out of hate.*
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First of all, let me just say that I don't hate Andrea at all and I've said before that I think she's extremely beautiful but she just has a bad attitude. I really dislike her and her actions, but I'm not a hater, a hater is a person who would tell her that they want her to die and all kinds of unnecessary shit and that's something that I will never do. I'm not saying that I'm not shady because I am but I think I'm shady when It's necessary but for her.. She just loves to be messy! You don't have to agree, but It doesn't matter what you think, this is my damn opinion. Like calling Kian a fuck boy, doing all of that snapchat shit and recreating that damn video of Kian & That girl. Why couldn't she just say ''I don't know why he posted it.'' and left it at that? NO , she wanted to cause all of that drama and people say she's a savage and she slays but no , she does not slay. If Kian did that then he would get jumped on for it, but since she's a female I guess people think It's cool. Did she get hurt by him? Of course she did and she hurt him too. That still doesn't give her a right to be so cruel towards him and I also said if he's being rude to her then okay, I understand if she's doing that because he's doing it to her but from what I'm seeing , he doesn't seem to give a fuck about her . SHE'S NOT A QUEEN WHEN SHE DOES POINTLESS SHIT AND PEOPLE CALL ME QUEEN WHEN I SAY SHIT TOO BUT GUESS WHAT I Know when I go too far and I know when to stop the shit that I'm doing but she just goes crazy with her damn shade. Everything that I say or do has a good point and a good reason behind it , she does it just to make him miserable. <IDK>// all I know is I don't hate her.