( The only reason I said that I wasn't gonna continue with the rant books is because we already have three so I thought you guys wouldn't want more but if you do then okay I'll write them.)
but I have something to say.
I love Kian & Jc and I always will and I will always support them and there's no way that I'm leaving this fandom , there's no way that I'm gonna let something like this Kiandrea shit or this whole drunken mistake thing come between what I love which is JIAN. I felt like giving up on Jian because I let these pictures and these girls fill my head up not realizing that they only wanted attention and one of the girls probably did sleep with Jc which is why I'm so angry but then again..It's his life I just hope that he's going to the doctor to at least check himself because she looks..anyways
I'll continue to ship them and write stories about them because I see a love connection , whether they see or not.. I know what I see and as far as Kian I'm gonna say that he was following the crowd and trying to fit in because I still don't think he's fully straight so I'll continued to be mad and petty but I still ship them and I still love them. Just from a distance right now.
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