Preparation - One Hour Before the Disappearance

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josh_wash added xXGamerChrisXx, ashleeeeey, BethWash, .Sam.Giddings., Mike_Munroe, EmilyD_, _Jess.Riley_ and TheOriginalMatt to the chat.

josh_wash: can anyone add han? She's not showing up on my phone

ashleeeeey: Hey guys! :)

TheOriginalMatt: Hey Ash! Up to anything exciting?

.Sam.Giddings.: I think she decided to change up her username a little! Have a bit of a rebrand, so to speak :)

ashleeeeey: Not much! Thinking of just hanging out in the living room for a bit, actually!

BethWash: she changed it earlier today

BethWash: and sure thing

TheOriginalMatt: Oh, nice!

BethWash added han to the chat.

Mike_Munroe: Wassup

TheOriginalMatt: Can I join you? I'm pretty tired out from today, so it would be nice to just chill

ashleeeeey: Sure thing! We can do some catching-up :)

Mike_Munroe: Nice username Han!

_Jess.Riley_: Any reason for this chat? Xx

TheOriginalMatt: Ash and I will be sharing all the hot goss

EmilyD_: What Jess said xx

han: Thanks Mike!! :)

BethWash: goss?

josh_wash: i'm trying to get to that part

TheOriginalMatt: Gossip

TheOriginalMatt: It's like a magazine thing

BethWash: lol

.Sam.Giddings.: You read magazines? XD

TheOriginalMatt: They're literally in the check-out isle of like every shop, how do you NOT read them?

josh_wash: ok, to answer the lovely ladies on this hear chat

BethWash: ur so doing the hear thing deliberately now lol

EmilyD_: Probably because Sam has decent taste Matt xx

ashleeeeey: Josh don't make me come in there and turn autocorrect back on for you too!!

josh_wash: chris and i are about to partake in the first annual blackwood shots til you drop contest

TheOriginalMatt: Okay, in my defence, it's pretty hard NOT to read them, the headlines are quite big

TheOriginalMatt: AND I never actually buy them XD

BethWash: shots till u drop?

han: But then how else would you learn all the hot goss topics for your evening catch-up? XD

TheOriginalMatt: You know what Han? You make a fair point!

xXGamerChrisXx: Oh geez, what have I gotten myself into? XD

EmilyD_: If I hear the phrase 'hot goss' one more time I think I might actually have a brain aneurism xx

han: So what you're saying is you guys are about to get drunk? XD

josh_wash: translated into english, my dear sis, what i'm saying is me and chris are about to get wasteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!

BethWash: if u ask me sounds like ur already there lol

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