No Signs

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MIKEY added josh_wash, Sammy!, DesignerEm1234, J355, xXGamerChrisXx, ashleeeeey and Matty to the chat.

MIKEY: Hey guys. How's everyone?

xXGamerChrisXx: Hey Ash!

ashleeeeey has left the chat.

Sammy!: Not good.

xXGamerChrisXx: Bye...

Sammy!: Not good at all.

MIKEY: Why'd Ash leave?

josh_wash: she's not allowed to talk to any of you or chris

J355: But he didn't do anything!

josh_wash: i know he didnt but her dad doesnt know that so now youve ruined yet another persons life you sick idiots

J355: But the trip was two and a half weeks ago!

xXGamerChrisXx: Two weeks and five days, actually.

josh_wash: i hope youre happy with yourselves

josh_wash has left the chat.

Matty: Has it really been that long already?

xXGamerChrisXx: I saw her in the corridor a few days ago.

Sammy!: Things really aren't looking up, are they?

xXGamerChrisXx: As soon as she noticed me she ran off.

xXGamerChrisXx: Literally.

MIKEY: Seriously?

xXGamerChrisXx: With all of her books in her hands.

J355: I though Ash hated running.

xXGamerChrisXx: She does.

Matty: Look Chris - Sam and I've been trying to talk some sense into her.

xXGamerChrisXx: She hates me more.

Sammy!: She doesn't hate you Chris!

Matty: Woah. Calm down!

MIKEY: Ash could never hate you.

Sammy!: She's just being a goody-two-shoes as per usual.

DesignerEm1234: Please Chris. We all know that's impossible.

J355: That can't be true!

Matty: Hey Em.

DesignerEm1234: She'll come to her senses.

xXGamerChrisXx: When?

Sammy!: Soon. She's finding this harder than you are.

J355: Everything will get sorted in the end!

xXGamerChrisXx: You're forgetting one thing.

J355: What?

xXGamerChrisXx: It's been two weeks and five days and there are STILL no signs of Hannah and Beth.

Sammy!: No apologies, either.

DesignerEm1234: It's not our fault they went running into a snowstorm like headless chickens.

Sammy!: Emily!

J355 has left the chat.

DesignerEm1234: What? I'm just being honest.

MIKEY: Honesty is the best policy.

Matty: This is really disrespectful, guys!

xXGamerChrisXx: Why'd you change your name, Mike?

MIKEY: Hannah changed it to be in uppercase before the trip, but I changed it back to lowercase on the journey there. I thought it'd make her happy to know I've changed it to uppercase.

Sammy!: After breaking her heart, crushing her dreams and possibly killing her and her sister.

MIKEY: Yeah...

xXGamerChrisXx: I'm gonna' go to Josh's place.

Sammy!: I'm not sure you're in the best shape to cheer up Josh.

xXGamerChrisXx: I'm worried about him.

xXGamerChrisXx: Plus he's not answering his messages.

Matty: Good luck, Chris.

xXGamerChrisXx: Thanks.

xXGamerChrisXx has left the chat.

Sammy!: You guys are jerks.

DesignerEm1234: What about Jess, she left as soon as you mentioned the twins!

Sammy!: At least she seems ashamed about the prank!

Sammy!: Unlike you guys...

Sammy!: You're seriously taking the cake at this point!

MIKEY: Throwback...

Sammy!: Yeah, throwback to before you pranked the two of them!

DesignerEm1234: Stop being so pathetic you guys!

Sammy!: Pathetic?

Sammy!: PATHETIC?!

Sammy!: You're the one's being pathetic!

MIKEY: Sam...

Sammy!: You know what?

Sammy!: No.

Matty: Sam?

Sammy!: No, I've had enough of this.

Sammy!: I'm gonna' go talk some sense into Ashley to fix one of the many problems you've caused!

Sammy!: Don't even try to talk to me before you've apologised to Hannah and Beth, either via text or in person when the police find them.

MIKEY: Sam...

Sammy!: Don't 'Sam' me! I've had enough of your ego, Mike!

Sammy!: Until the two of you can swallow your pride and apologise, I refuse to talk to any of you.

Sammy!: Good day!

Sammy! has left the chat.

Matty: I'm sorry guys, but I've got to agree with Sam here.

MIKEY: Not you too.

Matty: I'll keep talking to you, but I'm disapointed.

Matty: I'm gonna' go help Sam.

Matty: Bye.

MIKEY: Matt, man...

Matty has left the chat.

DesignerEm1234: They're overreacting, hun.

MIKEY: Yeah...

MIKEY: I've gtg.

MIKEY: Bye Em.

MIKEY has left the chat.

DesignerEm1234: Bye Mike...

DesignerEm1234: ....

DesignerEm1234: No one else is still here, right?

DesignerEm1234: ...

DesignerEm1234: ...

DesignerEm1234 has added han_wash and beth_wash to the chat.

DesignerEm1234: Please come back soon.

DesignerEm1234 has left the chat.

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