A New Plan

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Matty added Sammy! to the chat.

ashleeeeey: It's just not fair!

ashleeeeey: Hi Sam.

Matty: I know, Ash.

Sammy!: Hey Ash. Give me a run-down of what's happened.

ashleeeeey: It's like I told you - my dad says I'm not allowed to talk to Mike, Emily, Jess or Chris until the police say exactly what happened.

Sammy!: So when the police find out that Chris didn't do anything, you can start talking to him again, right?

Matty: Yeah! Hannah and Beth both saw he was passed out drunk! They'll tell him!

ashleeeeey: I wish it were that simple.

Sammy!: What do you mean?

ashleeeeey: My dad's never liked Chris.

Sammy!: Why?

ashleeeeey: He's just a little protective, that's all.

Matty: What does this have to do with Chris pranking Hannah and Beth.

Matty: Supposedly.

ashleeeeey: I've already showed him the messages (it shows that Chris was drunk) and he told me to stay well away from him.

Sammy!: Wait, why?

ashleeeeey: I don't know!

Matty: Basically, he doesn't want you to talk to Chris anymore because he doesn't want to lose you.

ashleeeeey: Lose me?

Matty: He doesn't want you to grow up.

ashleeeeey: What does that have to do with not talking to Chris?

Matty: He doesn't like the thought of you dating anyone.

ashleeeeey: Matt!

Matty: What?

Matty: It's true.

Sammy!: Ash, Matt's right. And as much as I hate to admit it, I think ignoring your father's advice is the best move.

ashleeeeey: No!

ashleeeeey: I can't go against my father's word.

Matty: Sam's right Ash. You're 17!

Sammy!: The alternative is to ignore Chris.

ashleeeeey: Maybe my dad'll change his mind?

Sammy!: Ash, it's been a day and you're barely coping.

Matty: Not to mention how devestated Chris is.

ashleeeeey: Stop!

ashleeeeey: Don't say that!

Sammy!: You can't pretend that you're not upsetting Chris.

ashleeeeey: But I don't want to!

Matty: But you are.

ashleeeeey: Why did we play that God-dammed prank in the first place???

Sammy!: You didn't know.

ashleeeeey: What if Hannah and Beth are dead and we'll never know 'cause they're burried under piles of snow?

ashleeeeey: Or if I'm never be able to talk to Chris again??

Matty: Ash!

ashleeeeey: Or if by the time they find Hannah and Beth, and I'm allowed to talk to Chris but he's forgotten about me???

Matty: Calm down!

Sammy!: They'll find Hannah and Beth.

ashleeeeey: But what if they don't?

Sammy!: They will!

Matty: Just in case, I think we need a plan.

Sammy!: Okay.

Sammy!: But we won't use it.

ashleeeeey: Yeah, okay.

Matty: So what's the plan?

Sammy!: You sit down and have a serious discussion with your dad.

ashleeeeey: I've already tried that.

Sammy!: Then you talk to Chris!

ashleeeeey: Sam!

Matty: I have a plan.

Sammy!: Ash!

Sammy!: What is it?

Matty: You've got to hear me out on this one.

ashleeeeey: We will.

Matty: You listen to your dad.

Sammy!: What?!

ashleeeeey: And ignore Chris forever?

Sammy!: That's a terrible idea!

Matty: She won't last long, Sam. She's bound to snap at some point.

ashleeeeey: I don't like the sound of this.

Matty: If they get too close, they'll snap back together like magnets.

Sammy!: Fair point.

ashleeeeey: You're underestimating me, guys. I have strong will power.

Matty: But is it strong enough to keep you away from Chris?

Sammy!: I guess we'll find out.

Matty: So it's settled then?

Matty: That's the plan?

Sammy!: It's official.

ashleeeeey: It won't work.

Matty: Trust me, it will.

Sammy!: The longer you leave it, the longer Chris has to move on from you and find some other girl to be in love with.

ashleeeeey: He never 'loved' me.

Sammy!: I wouldn't be so sure if I were you.

Sammy! has left the chat.

ashleeeeey: What do you mean?

Matty: Don't act ignorent with me, Ash. You've known it all along.

Matty has left the chat.

ashleeeeey: Then why hasn't he asked me out by now?

ashleeeeey: Matt?






ashleeeeey: I'm sorry but...

ashleeeeey: Goodbye Chris.

ashleeeeey has left the chat.

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