The Shipping Dare!!!

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The Dare: I dare all Sanses to check out all AU ship's you know on tumblr! (Sancest)

Me: Ok~

All Sanses: *shakes their head 'no'*

Me: Let's do it shall we~? *opens tumblr and search all AU ship's*

All Sanses: *really curious* *looks at the screen* *blushes* *hides it from Blueberry*

Blueberry: WHY DOES EVERYONE DOESN'T WANT ME TO LOOK AT IT!!!! *see's a little bit in the screen* what's that? why am I naked in there? and with Red?

All Sanses: *throws the computer* *runs away*

Me: *black aura sorrunding* you piece of.... *calms down* it's ok!!! but don't do it aga- *nobody around* *grasshoper sounds* really?

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