My Trust For you is Gold

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My Trust For You Is Gold

Twinkle’s P.O.V.

Back at the office in TOH…

“Where are you in producing the toy?” I asked,

“Give us two more months. After two months we will have the products all ready with the pictures taken and onto the magazine” Jerry answered eagerly with a wink. What is wrong with his eye?

“I will provide you the two months, if you don’t have it by two months then I will fire you” I pointed at him and walked out of the meeting. Two months is way too long, I don’t want to have another minute in that house with the Thompson’s anymore. It’s like being trapped in jail and tortured. I sat down on the comfy black chair behind my desk, and started signing papers for the electronic to be publicly viewed once it’s done. The morning sun behind the window burned up my back and the long sleeves were starting to stick on my pale skin. There was no one in the room except for me, so maybe it was ok to push the sleeves up. I pushed the long sleeves up and took of my red scarf clinging on my neck, and tied my hair up in bun at the back of my head. Ah! This feels much cooler. I let out a relief sigh and a knock came from the other side of the door. I quickly tied the scarf around my neck, swayed my long hair down, and pulled down my sleeves.

“Come in” I sat up properly and to no surprise it was no other person, than Gabe Thompson.

“What do you want Mr. Thompson?” I asked,

“How bout you take a break tonight and we go on a date?” He smiled sheepishly and I threw him a glare. He must be insane. Today is Monday, hello?

“In your dreams”, I went back to work and the expression on his face came from a smiley face to a sad frown. That was my weakness right there; I can’t stand puppy dog eyes and sad faces. That’s it, I fell for it.

“After I finish all my work, I will go with you” I gave out a big sigh and went back to work while Gabe happily ran out of my office like he just won a big lottery. Does he really like me that much? I want the answer. Knock knock.

“Come in”, Mandy opened the door to show me a picture model of our gameboy. It was a deep blue metallic sea color, the buttons was a color of black that dazzled under the camera light, and the screen was window clear.

“Is it 3-D?” I asked,

“Yeah”, Mandy smiled handing me the photo and took off. I took the photo and made it into an advertisement. Tomorrow I will head off to the advertising industry, since the device is going to be finished in two months. The clock ticked slowly and the sun started to set slowly outside my big window behind me that almost covers the whole wall. I yawned several times and decided to get coffee, so I walked out of the out of my little room. To my surprise, there was no one left in the workplace. The lights were all turned off letting the orange sun making a bright ray on the carpet floor. I turned my head sideways several times not spotting anyone, so I hopped to the vending machine carelessly, but when I was at the machine I forgot that my money was still in the office. I started my way back, but in the corner of my eye I saw a familiar figure slouching on the couch. Even if this person turns to ashes, I would remember what he looks like. I walked up to the couch outside my office a few feet away. Why is he still here? And the big question is why is he sleeping here? I kneeled down near the one hand couch and took a close look at him. He wasn’t the cutest guy in the universe but not the ugliest either.  I have to admit he have a face that he has a face that can rob a girls heart.

“Gabe”, I whispered and he squirmed around the chair. Maybe I shouldn’t wake him up. I walked back to the office and started working with a few yawns here and there. My eyes became heavy and my body became weak each minute. Twinkle, wake up! I slapped my face a few times. My tummy started to growl and I remembered that I should go get coffee and I did. The warm liquid filled up my stomach, but somehow my stomach started to hurt. Maybe, I need more coffee, so went and got two more cups of coffee. The sun rose high up in the blue sky and I was proud of myself for finishing all the paper work in one night. Maybe I should get started on going to the advertising department. I walked out of my little office and to no doubt, Gabe was not there. Probably, he got tired and left. My head started to hurt a little and my feet became wobbly which collapsed me right to the floor, with all the energy in my body gone, and my head spinning like a rollercoaster, I blacked out in an instant.

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