Love Sick?

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Love Sick

“Wake Up” someone shook me hard and I shook my head moaning,

“Wake up or I’ll slap you” The husky voice threatened and I didn’t wait another minute and sat up slapping the person in the face before they can slap me. I opened my eyes and pouted. Gabe was sitting in front of me shocked from the slap.

“It wasn’t that bad, I could’ve done better” I laughed and got into the shower. The warm water thumped against every part of my body and I faced up to the sprinkler. I had a weird dream last night. But I kept dreaming about Gabe, that’s kinda weird. Gabe was some weird vampire and he wanted to suck my blood for dinner so I ran all around Frolando Town hiding from him. My heart was beating faster each step I took. As soon as the town got dark I became tired and Gabe appeared out of nowhere and held my waist softly kissing my neck with hunger, When I felt something rub against my neck, I felt disgusted so I turned around and threw a punch right on his jaw.

“That’s what you get Gabe Thompson!” I laughed and then it switched to another scene. It wasn’t Frolando town anymore, but a more decent place with grass and flowers blooming. Gabe was sitting on the edge of the hill looking at the sunrise, and I came to him and sat down. I couldn’t control myself and laid my head on his shoulders.

“The doctors said I have heart cancer” I said,

“It’s okay because…I never liked you. You are ugly, plain, and classic unlike Nina, she is pretty and nice to me. I pulled away and slapped him on the face and at that moment I realized I wasn’t in a dream anymore. I was really slapping Gabe on the face. I giggled to myself and walked out of the shower putting on a high collar orange, long sleeve, shirt with blue jeans. When I walked downstairs, the clock read9:30, so I didn’t have time to get breakfast and rushed outside catching the first bus, but it wasn’t here yet. I bounced on my foot and tip toeing while waiting, but it still hasn’t shown up. From behind a hand grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the bus stop.

“What are you doing Gabe Thompson?! I need to go” I yelled at him,

”I know you have a doctor’s appointment. Let your husband give his wife a ride will you?” I jumped into the passenger seat and Gabe started the engine, backing up from the garage and out into the highway.

“What sickness do you have, my honey?” Gabe said and I felt goosebumps coming down my skin and hair stood up on my neck.

“Don’t call me honey” I said,

“Where is your clinic?” He asked.

“Drive pass that freeway and take the exit going to 24th street and drop me off there” I suggested and he nodded,

“You haven’t answered my question yet” Gabe said seriously. Should I tell him? I don’t even know what sickness I have.

“What question?”

“What’s wrong with your health?” He repeated seriously,

“I don’t know” was my brilliant answer.

“Twinkle. I’m. Dead. Serious. Tell.Me.Now.” He demanded and at that second I didn’t know who he was. Was he Gabe Thompson? He sounded like he was commanding me.

“I have heart and stomach problems” I blurted and looked out the window in an instant afraid my face will turn hot again if he looks at me.

“If you haven’t said anything to me about it then I wouldn’t even know what’s going on with you!” Gabe yelled and I didn’t want me ear to explode,

“Twinkle you make me worry sick!” He sighed and I rolled down the window letting fresh air in and let his words fly past my ear like nothing.

“You don’t need to worry” I argued,

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