Lucky Star

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Lucky Star

Gabe’s P.O.V.

“I will win, I have self-belief that you are my star tonight” I smiled and the card dealer passed out five faced up cards and one card faced down. I have 2,3,4,5, and 6, while he has king, queen, hearts, and spades. If he got an ace then he will have full house which means he will win. But I have assurance that he won’t be that lucky today.

“Show hand” I pushed all my coins towards the middle and the girl pushed the tall stack of coins towards the middle too. Tristan flipped the card in a heartbeat like he knows how to tell the future, but it turns out he got a 4. I was relieved and then Twinkle looked at me with regret shown on her face.

“I don’t want you to loose. I get it now…you are right. I shouldn’t like him in the first place, let’s go before you loose” She shook my arm and I held my gaze on her for a minute.

“Believe in me Twinkle. I can win this round because you’re with me” I said softly and flipped the cards over slowly with sweat pouring out of my forehead like an ocean. The first letter revealed a…Ace! I flipped it over completely and Twinkle literally jumped and me and I hugged her and spun her around with happiness.

“We won!” She smiled cheerfully,

“I thought you were lucky?” I laughed at the shocked guy in front of me and the girl ran away from his arms.

“Cheryl!” He looked at her longingly and she turned around,

“I don’t like you, because you ran out of money. How will I suppose to live with a poor man?” She answered and swiftly disappeared in sight. What a gold digger she is. I shook my head and looked at Tristan.

“Let’s call the security to take you out since you got no money to pay” I took out my cell phone and he ran up to me begging,

“Please give me another chance. I know what I did wrong, please don’t call the security. I will have a bad record and no girls would want me anymore” He pleaded and I felt angered at the sight. How could he still think about girls when he owes me like ten thousand dollars? Twinkle shouldn’t even fall for him. I can’t believe she likes him instead of me? I am better at him in everything.

“If you want to plead guilty then ask her for a chance. Not me.” I pointed at Twinkle who was now overwhelmed with sadness on her face. Then Tristan walked up to her slowly,

“Twinkle, please give me another chance, I really need this reputation. Please just give me another chance and give me the money”

“Can’t you be more sincere?” I asked with anger filling up inside. So he went closer to Twinkle and I almost wanted to run up to them and push him away.

“I beg you to give me another chance… I’m sorry I used you like I do with other women, I’m a player and I admit I should’ve never messed with you. Twinkle, please, I really need this chance” He shook his hands and Twinkle looked at him with tears in her eyes.

“A-all” She sniffed up her tears, “All you think about is girls?” Twinkle finished,

“Twinkle, I’m sorry. I admit I play the bad guy in your heart and I used you like other girls and didn’t recognize your true love. I’m blind, please” Tristan held her hand and I pulled Twinkle back in a fury.

“Don’t touch her!” I yelled and Twinkle went to the table of coins and pushed it all down wiping all her tears.

“From now on! I don’t want to see you again” She ran out of the building and sat down at the sidewalk under the dark night by a lamppost with her head down hidden in between her lap. I took a seat next to her and hugged her in my arms tightly and she didn’t pull back which surprise me. Instead she hugged me back big and warm, a hug I will never forget.

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